New York Area Social Media and Recruitment Support

Posted by Chris on August 4th, 2012

If you are looking for looking for Sales, Marketing, Administrative, Recruitment or Technology support anywhere in the world but based from the East Coast of America near New York then a social media phenomenon, Vincent Wright, is looking for a selected number of partners to work with – but if you want Vincent to help you then you are going to have to move FAST !!

I have known Vincent for years – since my first days on my first social network – Ecademy. We have kept in touch over the years and I am amazed that he has found time to make this offer to work with people.

He is the founder and developer of so many social media initiatives like, MyLinkedinPowerForum, and He has huge networks on Linkedin.

I have copied Vincents messages to his community on this subject here:

“If you’re amenable to discussing a “Structured Partner Program” for, I’m seeking 5 partners in the following 5 “S.M.A.R.T. ” categories:
  1. Sales (Includes prospecting, sales research, sales engineers, etc.)
  2. Marketing (includes branding, social media strategy)
  3. Administrative (includes all functions to keep run an enterprise such as legal, fundraising, accounting, management, coaching, training)
  4. Recruitment (includes sourcing)
  5. Technology (includes the full spectrum of software, including database, development, maintenance, graphic design, etc.)
For details, please contact me, as soon as possible. My contact information is below:”
“Below is an overview of my intended role + a basic outline of the 5 fee levels for the Brandergy Structured Partner Program:

We intend to work with only 5 partners to help our partners do business in one of the 5 “S.M.A.R.T.” categories.
Because, ultimately, doing business is a matter of building strong professional relationships, my role will be to serve as a hybrid between a business development consultant and a meeting facilitator between your company and my contacts while I continue to provide the Brandergy community with content and concepts to help them with their own social media objectives. It is from the Brandergy community that the overwhelming bulk of our joint business meetings for “S.M.A.R.T.” will originate…You may think of my role as a Professional Relationships Officer (P.R.O.)
  1. A.) $   500.00 annual retainer  +   B.) $100.00 per month fee  +  C.) 10% success fee
  2. A.) $1,000.00 annual retainer  +   B.)  $ 75.00 per month fee  +  C.)   5% success fee
  3. A.) $1,500.00 annual retainer  +   B.)  $ 50.00 per month fee  +  C.)   3% success fee
  4. A.) $2,500.00 annual retainer  +   B.)  $ 25.00 per month fee  +  C.)   2% success fee
  5. A.) $5,000.00 annual retainer  +   B.)  $    .00 per month fee  +   C.)  1% success fee
To get started and to retain the “Technology” section of the “S.M.A.R.T.” partner program, please make the appropriate deposit for the level of your choosing via PayPal.
In that there are only 5 slots for partners at the moment, the partnerships are on a first come, first serve basis…
Should you have questions and would like to discuss them immediately, please feel free to contact me at your convenience at either: +1-860-967-0931 or via Skype at MyLinkedinPowerForum  (I’ll be available for at least 5 hours more via both means…)
I look forward to working with you.”

New York Area Based Sales, Marketing, Administrative, Recruitment,Technology Support

Posted by Chris on August 4th, 2012

If you are looking for looking for Sales, Marketing, Administrative, Recruitment or Technology support anywhere in the world but based from the East Coast of America near New York then a social media phenomenon, Vincent Wright, is looking for a selected number of partners to work with – but if you want Vincent to help you then you are going to have to move FAST !!

I have know Vincent for years – since my first days on my first social network – Ecademy. We have kept in touch over the years and I am amazed that he has found time to make this offer to work with people.

He is the founder and developer of so many social media initiatives like, MyLinkedinPowerForum, and He has huge networks on Linkedin.

I have copied Vincents messages to his community on this subject here:

“If you’re amenable to discussing a “Structured Partner Program” for, I’m seeking 5 partners in the following 5 “S.M.A.R.T. ” categories:
  1. Sales (Includes prospecting, sales research, sales engineers, etc.)
  2. Marketing (includes branding, social media strategy)
  3. Administrative (includes all functions to keep run an enterprise such as legal, fundraising, accounting, management, coaching, training)
  4. Recruitment (includes sourcing)
  5. Technology (includes the full spectrum of software, including database, development, maintenance, graphic design, etc.)
For details, please contact me, as soon as possible. My contact information is below:”
“Below is an overview of my intended role + a basic outline of the 5 fee levels for the Brandergy Structured Partner Program:

We intend to work with only 5 partners to help our partners do business in one of the 5 “S.M.A.R.T.” categories.

Because, ultimately, doing business is a matter of building strong professional relationships, my role will be to serve as a hybrid between a business development consultant and a meeting facilitator between your company and my contacts while I continue to provide the Brandergy community with content and concepts to help them with their own social media objectives. It is from the Brandergy community that the overwhelming bulk of our joint business meetings for “S.M.A.R.T.” will originate…You may think of my role as a Professional Relationships Officer (P.R.O.)

  1. A.) $   500.00 annual retainer  +   B.) $100.00 per month fee  +  C.) 10% success fee
  2. A.) $1,000.00 annual retainer  +   B.)  $ 75.00 per month fee  +  C.)   5% success fee
  3. A.) $1,500.00 annual retainer  +   B.)  $ 50.00 per month fee  +  C.)   3% success fee
  4. A.) $2,500.00 annual retainer  +   B.)  $ 25.00 per month fee  +  C.)   2% success fee
  5. A.) $5,000.00 annual retainer  +   B.)  $    .00 per month fee  +   C.)  1% success fee
To get started and to retain the “Technology” section of the “S.M.A.R.T.” partner program, please make the appropriate deposit for the level of your choosing via PayPal.

In that there are only 5 slots for partners at the moment, the partnerships are on a first come, first serve basis…

Should you have questions and would like to discuss them immediately, please feel free to contact me at your convenience at either: +1-860-967-0931 or via Skype at MyLinkedinPowerForum  (I’ll be available for at least 5 hours more via both means…)

I look forward to working with you.”

IT, Media ( like ucexpo ) and Recruitment companies start using Twylah

Posted by Chris on February 25th, 2012

IT and Recruitment companies are not always the first to use IT ( strangely ) and Twylah’s ” Featured Twylah Page’s ” makes you think that you have either got to be a pop star, rock band or fashionista to become a ” Twyp “. However a closer look reveals some technology specialists, media and recruitment companies using Twylah.

Hot off the press !! ucexpo put’s up a Twylah page for  it’s 6-7th March Expo. at

Website at:

Robert Scoble , , is a well known U.S. tech. news commentator who also works for Rackspace ( the hosting company ). The Next Web ( TNW ) are also on Twylah at and Buffer App. ( the smarter way to share Twitter and Facebook posts ) is at

Closer to home we have CRN ( Computer Reseller News ) UK’s magazine on the IT media side.

As an example of a Recruiter using Twylah we have Ask the Recruiter at

I am talking with a number of ICT Media and Technology companies about adopting the use of Twylah pages and becoming ” Twyps “. So whilst some of the earlier Twylah customers were pop and fashion stars ( mainly from the U.S. ) and whilst pop and fashion stars globally will be adopting Twylah pages they are now being used by ” ordinary ” people and businesses like Lichfield based Coco Meli Bakery .

A pioneer of Twylah usage in the U.K. is Still Safe!/stillsafe and uses Twylah power Tweets almost exclusively now. Why ?? Well a Twylah Landing Page is produced for each Tweet and when connected to Still Safe’s domain this is acting like a blog ( one of the most powerful content generation actions you can take ) by producing page after page of Twylah pages.

In their own right the Twylah pages will come up on Google and other search engines for relevant searches. The Twylah platform will become very powerful very quickly ( consider how Google treats websites that generate lots of rich content ) and currently it’s Alexa ranking is increasing dramatically.

This is only the beginning for users of Twylah pages though.

The Twylah page is ultimately about the monetisation of Twitter Tweets. This means getting visitors to the Twylah page to sign up for something like buying GaGa’s latest download at . ( In the trade this is known as a Call to Action ).

Once you have people taking actions like this then you are generating income from your Internet Marketing efforts.

Database Marketing in the Social Networking age

Posted by Chris on March 28th, 2010

When I started LanSwitch ( which became Voyager ) in the early 90’s I set aside a bedroom for an office and on my desk I had a telephone, a fax machine and a laptop ( initially not connected to the Internet , later connected with a dial-up connection ) with Office and a Contact Manager application and a printer. Luxury, I thought because it was the same as I had at Fibernet and much better than I had at Memorex.

My target market was basically: Companies that had busy Local Area Networks; that were in either The Midlands ( where I lived ) or London ( where I could easily commute to and knew people ). So, I basically targeted a combination of London based Financials and other general companies in London and the Midlands. I think I bought the Computer Users Yearbook as my basic database. ( Actually a very comprehensive and detailed source of information ).

I went through the process of identifying a target market and building a database of prospects and suspects many times over during my sales and business start-up career.

Typically now I will segment by horizontal ( size of company ), vertical ( type of company ) and geographical ( location ) and then various other factors eg structure of company, people within that company eg IT Managers etc etc.

Then a database can be purchased which is targeted and therefore typically lower cost than purchasing 1000’s of contacts many of which are not within your target market.

There are many database suppliers these days so it is possible to get some great offers on targeted data.

The equipment side has obviously come on in 17 years but not incredibly so – broadband and wi-fi; scanning software and fax software; CRM versus Contact Management; softphones ( eg Skype ) and video conferencing ( Skype, Webex etc ); standalone traditional and IP phones;printers. 

Where there has been enormous progress has been in Internet search and Social Network Marketing.

If you know what vertical you want to concentrate on eg Lawyers in Staffordshire you will find much of the information that you need online via Google or some other search engine.

With great timing ( !! ) I have just been reading this article about Linkedin

that I picked up on Twitter ( posted by Jon Besag who is in sales at Linkedin 😉

This is well worth a read for many reasons. 

This article includes comments about in house and external recruiters using Linkedin to find the people that they/thier clients are looking for . There certainly are a lot of recruiters on Linkedin – in fact when I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who is a Linkedin trainer he told me that there were about 68,000 people on Linkedin who called themselves recruiters ( I just did a Linkedin search for ” Recruiters ” and got about 48,000 ) and that there were probably about 100,000 because a lot of recruiters did not call themselves recruiters.

I used this fact recently to help a company that I am working with, who are selling multi job board posting software, to target recruiters. From a small, personalised ” mailshot ” to selected Linkedin recruiters we got a few very positive responses and made a proposal to one within a week and got an order from it.

Recruitment is an obvious thing to do on Linkedin but  as said in the article ” The obvious one is jobs, but it’s not just jobs. It’s also clients and services.”

For me the goal is to make a ” personalised ” approach to potential clients and ” personalisation ” requires research. The difference between what you can do now and what you could do 17 years ago is that you can gather far more information on people and companies before you make any approach whatsoever.

If you combine a targeted database with internet and social media search then you have a fantastic tool to help you personalise your ” intelligent ” marketing and sales approach.





If you are a member of eg Ecademy, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Friendfeed,Skype or MSN then each of these have thier own search facilities – some more sophisticated than others.

Just today I was asking someone how they prospected on the Internet and they said Linkedin, Skype and MSN.

Using a combination of Internet search and Social/Business networks you can find out an awful lot about people and companies.

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