Makeup Artists in London can use Motives Cosmetics to massively increase sales and income

Posted by Chris on February 10th, 2014

London based makeup artists and other beauty professionals have an amazing opportunity to rocket their income with Motives Cosmetics.

Check out this guide to getting more income from the same time

I have recently talked to a lot of Makeup Artists ( MUAs ) and what a hard working, talented bunch of ( mainly ) ladies they are.

It’s a great job – making people look great – but it is also a very time consuming job. One MUA I know was recently up at 1.30 in the morning to drive to London to get a bride ready for her wedding then back to Birmingham to attend an event and then another private client. She didn’t finish until the evening of that day. A long day and while the pay is reasonable as a freelance MUA it is not brilliant.

Time and money are definitely connected in a strong way.

I personally feel that the objective should be for an MUA to get to the point where he or she can work with the clients that they want to – not the clients that they have to.

The way to do this is to .. Add ( Income )  and Separate ( Time from Money )..

Dealing first with ADD..

At the moment most MUAs only charge an hourly rate or a rate for their art/handiwork. Of course top MUAs can and do charge premium rates.

MUAs have a collection of product that they have assembled over time and know work. This might be in a suitcase or makeup carrier or at their salon. The client might not be aware of the products used – only the end result. If the client is inclined to buy the products that the MUA uses and recommends then it probably means a trip to the shops.

Whilst such a trip might not be an issue it might also be inconvenient and would have a cost to the client in time and money. ( Whether that matters to someone who can afford an MUA is another matter).

It could be that the easy provision of the products used to the client is actually an enhanced service.

pro artist

If the client goes and buys those products from the shops then there is nothing in that for the MUA in financial terms.

If on the other hand the MUA could make say 30-50% profit on the products sold then this will have added to the income from any particular client appointment. In fact the product profit might be more than the hourly or set rate.

The MUA would need to have the product on hand in order to sell it or have some sort of online shop ( <<<Link here ) where the client can go. Having the product on hand is ok if you have a salon ( although stock is an overhead ) but means that you have to carry it around if you are mobile.

An online shop ( <<< Link ) is definitely preferable especially if it has rapid delivery times ( eg 24-48 hour delivery ).

Talking to MUAs recently I noted that many of them gave the client a summary of what they had done for them during that appointment and what products they used and also kept a record for themselves.

I took this idea and developed the idea of the Online Beauty Prescription ( <<< Link – thanks to a friend who is a Beauty Blogger for that description ) which is a blog post that can be written up afterwards and can be anonymous or name the client and will direct them straight to the place in the online shop where they can buy these products. ( Posting a blog actually has many potential benefits to the MUAs online marketing but I will not go into that now ).

Now, at the time that the client purchases these products the MUA may well be working with another client i.e. the MUA has begun to separate time from money or multiply the effect of that time.

We can imagine the client coming back again and again and the only time that the MUA will be aware of this is when they get an email saying ” You have another order placed from ( whoever ) , Value £x “.

Here’s another great thing about this.. If you have not already got the clients email address you will have when they register and buy from your shop.

That email address can be used to communicate with the client on an ongoing basis. The MUA can email them ” special deals ” or ” new products or services “. Such communication can be automated in an appropriate and tailored manner.

Once you have your own shop you will obviously be able to buy certain products at a ” Wholesale ” price yourself. With some companies ( e.g. Motives and ) you can buy more than just beauty and cosmetics products at wholesale prices, You could for example buy multivitamins and isotonic products. Such purchases represent a clear saving to you on products that you are already going to buy. This is the online equivalent of having a Costco or Makro account in the UK.

Lets add another dimension to this.. Some of the MUAs friends, business contacts and work colleagues e.g. Hairdressers, Nail Technicians, Manicurists, Masseurs also recommend products off of the MUAs’ online site that are relevant to them. Again these sales come in without any direct effort from the MUA and they come in alongside the MUAs other work.

One or two of the MUAs friends decide that they would also like to have their own online shop and the MUA helps them set that up and guides them on it’s use. The MUA and the friend both get commission on the sales.

Time goes on and more and more friends are selling products off of the websites or have their own websites. The result is a substantial income for many of them that is independent of the number of hours that they put in and which allows them to select which clients they actually want to spend their time with.

Take a look at this video:



Which is about a product range that originated in the U.S. ( in 2010 ) and was conceived by Loren Ridinger and enhanced by LaLa Anthony ( if you are fans of The Kardashians then you may of heard of them ).

This is a high quality, affordable cosmetics and beauty product range which is endorsed by many Celebrity MUAs globally. ( <<< Link )  It is being sold direct via MUAs, Salon and Spa owners and other beauty related professionals. The reason that you can have high quality product at mid range pricing and give high commissions to resellers is that NO money is being spent on advertising or corporate fatcats – the profit goes to the people that deserve it – the MUAs and their business partners. There is a sophisticated 24 -72 hour global delivery system to support sales from the Online sites though.

The Motives business system is a turnkey system that accomplishes EXACTLY what I have said above. Retail profit is added to time for money ( the appointment itself )  and in addition there is profit sharing for group sales.

N.B. We have built a financial model spreadsheet ( mini business plan ) to support this blog. See what happens when you add this to your normal MUA income !!!!

If you are based in the London area and ready for a change and high earnings Contact me @cwindley, skype chris.windley or phone 07881 500002 to discuss this opportunity in greater detail.

Belfast based Makeup artists and Beauty professionals – be part of the arrival of Motives in Ireland

Posted by Chris on January 8th, 2014

Belfast based makeup artists and other beauty professionals have an amazing opportunity to rocket their income

Check out this guide to getting more income from the same time

I have recently talked to a lot of Makeup Artists ( MUAs ) and what a hard working, talented bunch of ( mainly ) ladies they are.

It’s a great job – making people look great – but it is also a very time consuming job. One MUA I know was recently up at 1.30 in the morning to drive to London to get a bride ready for her wedding then back to Birmingham to attend an event and then another private client. She didn’t finish until the evening of that day. A long day and while the pay is reasonable as a freelance MUA it is not brilliant.

Time and money are definitely connected in a strong way.

I personally feel that the objective should be for an MUA to get to the point where he or she can work with the clients that they want to – not the clients that they have to.

The way to do this is to .. Add ( Income )  and Separate ( Time from Money )..

Dealing first with ADD..

At the moment most MUAs only charge an hourly rate or a rate for their art/handiwork. Of course top MUAs can and do charge premium rates.

MUAs have a collection of product that they have assembled over time and know work. This might be in a suitcase or makeup carrier or at their salon. The client might not be aware of the products used – only the end result. If the client is inclined to buy the products that the MUA uses and recommends then it probably means a trip to the shops.

Whilst such a trip might not be an issue it might also be inconvenient and would have a cost to the client in time and money. ( Whether that matters to someone who can afford an MUA is another matter).

It could be that the easy provision of the products used to the client is actually an enhanced service.

pro artist

If the client goes and buys those products from the shops then there is nothing in that for the MUA in financial terms.

If on the other hand the MUA could make say 30-50% profit on the products sold then this will have added to the income from any particular client appointment. In fact the product profit might be more than the hourly or set rate.

The MUA would need to have the product on hand in order to sell it or have some sort of online shop ( <<<Link here ) where the client can go. Having the product on hand is ok if you have a salon ( although stock is an overhead ) but means that you have to carry it around if you are mobile.

An online shop ( <<< Link ) is definitely preferable especially if it has rapid delivery times ( eg 24-48 hour delivery ).

Talking to MUAs recently I noted that many of them gave the client a summary of what they had done for them during that appointment and what products they used and also kept a record for themselves.

I took this idea and developed the idea of the Online Beauty Prescription ( <<< Link – thanks to a friend who is a Beauty Blogger for that description ) which is a blog post that can be written up afterwards and can be anonymous or name the client and will direct them straight to the place in the online shop where they can buy these products. ( Posting a blog actually has many potential benefits to the MUAs online marketing but I will not go into that now ).

Now, at the time that the client purchases these products the MUA may well be working with another client i.e. the MUA has begun to separate time from money or multiply the effect of that time.

We can imagine the client coming back again and again and the only time that the MUA will be aware of this is when they get an email saying ” You have another order placed from ( whoever ) , Value £x “.

Here’s another great thing about this.. If you have not already got the clients email address you will have when they register and buy from your shop.

That email address can be used to communicate with the client on an ongoing basis. The MUA can email them ” special deals ” or ” new products or services “. Such communication can be automated in an appropriate and tailored manner.

Once you have your own shop you will obviously be able to buy certain products at a ” Wholesale ” price yourself. With some companies ( e.g. Motives and ) you can buy more than just beauty and cosmetics products at wholesale prices, You could for example buy multivitamins and isotonic products. Such purchases represent a clear saving to you on products that you are already going to buy. This is the online equivalent of having a Costco or Makro account in the UK.

Lets add another dimension to this.. Some of the MUAs friends, business contacts and work colleagues e.g. Hairdressers, Nail Technicians, Manicurists, Masseurs also recommend products off of the MUAs’ online site that are relevant to them. Again these sales come in without any direct effort from the MUA and they come in alongside the MUAs other work.

One or two of the MUAs friends decide that they would also like to have their own online shop and the MUA helps them set that up and guides them on it’s use. The MUA and the friend both get commission on the sales.

Time goes on and more and more friends are selling products off of the websites or have their own websites. The result is a substantial income for many of them that is independent of the number of hours that they put in and which allows them to select which clients they actually want to spend their time with.

Take a look at this video:



Which is about a product range that originated in the U.S. ( in 2010 ) and was conceived by Loren Ridinger and enhanced by LaLa Anthony ( if you are fans of The Kardashians then you may of heard of them ).

This is a high quality, affordable cosmetics and beauty product range which is endorsed by many Celebrity MUAs globally. ( <<< Link )  It is being sold direct via MUAs, Salon and Spa owners and other beauty related professionals. The reason that you can have high quality product at mid range pricing and give high commissions to resellers is that NO money is being spent on advertising or corporate fatcats – the profit goes to the people that deserve it – the MUAs and their business partners. There is a sophisticated 24 -72 hour global delivery system to support sales from the Online sites though.

The Motives business system is a turnkey system that accomplishes EXACTLY what I have said above. Retail profit is added to time for money ( the appointment itself )  and in addition there is profit sharing for group sales.

N.B. We have built a financial model spreadsheet ( mini business plan ) to support this blog. See what happens when you add this to your normal MUA income !!!!

If you are based in Belfast and ready for a change and high earnings Contact me @cwindley, skype chris.windley or phone 07881 500002 to discuss this opportunity in greater detail.

Motives in Birmingham – Attention all Makeup Artists and Beauty Professionals

Posted by Chris on January 8th, 2014

Birmingham based makeup artists and other beauty professionals have an amazing opportunity to rocket their income

Check out this guide to getting more income from the same time

( See the end of this article for recommended makeup artists in and near Birmingham )

I have recently talked to a lot of Makeup Artists ( MUAs ) and what a hard working, talented bunch of ( mainly ) ladies they are.

It’s a great job – making people look great – but it is also a very time consuming job. One MUA I know was recently up at 1.30 in the morning to drive to London to get a bride ready for her wedding then back to Birmingham to attend an event and then another private client. She didn’t finish until the evening of that day. A long day and while the pay is reasonable as a freelance MUA it is not brilliant.

Time and money are definitely connected in a strong way.

I personally feel that the objective should be for an MUA to get to the point where he or she can work with the clients that they want to – not the clients that they have to.

The way to do this is to .. Add ( Income )  and Separate ( Time from Money )..

Dealing first with ADD..

At the moment most MUAs only charge an hourly rate or a rate for their art/handiwork. Of course top MUAs can and do charge premium rates.

MUAs have a collection of product that they have assembled over time and know work. This might be in a suitcase or makeup carrier or at their salon. The client might not be aware of the products used – only the end result. If the client is inclined to buy the products that the MUA uses and recommends then it probably means a trip to the shops.

Whilst such a trip might not be an issue it might also be inconvenient and would have a cost to the client in time and money. ( Whether that matters to someone who can afford an MUA is another matter).

It could be that the easy provision of the products used to the client is actually an enhanced service.

pro artist

If the client goes and buys those products from the shops then there is nothing in that for the MUA in financial terms.

If on the other hand the MUA could make say 30-50% profit on the products sold then this will have added to the income from any particular client appointment. In fact the product profit might be more than the hourly or set rate.

The MUA would need to have the product on hand in order to sell it or have some sort of online shop ( <<<Link here ) where the client can go. Having the product on hand is ok if you have a salon ( although stock is an overhead ) but means that you have to carry it around if you are mobile.

An online shop ( <<< Link ) is definitely preferable especially if it has rapid delivery times ( eg 24-48 hour delivery ).

Talking to MUAs recently I noted that many of them gave the client a summary of what they had done for them during that appointment and what products they used and also kept a record for themselves.

I took this idea and developed the idea of the Online Beauty Prescription ( <<< Link – thanks to a friend who is a Beauty Blogger for that description ) which is a blog post that can be written up afterwards and can be anonymous or name the client and will direct them straight to the place in the online shop where they can buy these products. ( Posting a blog actually has many potential benefits to the MUAs online marketing but I will not go into that now ).

Now, at the time that the client purchases these products the MUA may well be working with another client i.e. the MUA has begun to separate time from money or multiply the effect of that time.

We can imagine the client coming back again and again and the only time that the MUA will be aware of this is when they get an email saying ” You have another order placed from ( whoever ) , Value £x “.

Here’s another great thing about this.. If you have not already got the clients email address you will have when they register and buy from your shop.

That email address can be used to communicate with the client on an ongoing basis. The MUA can email them ” special deals ” or ” new products or services “. Such communication can be automated in an appropriate and tailored manner.

Once you have your own shop you will obviously be able to buy certain products at a ” Wholesale ” price yourself. With some companies ( e.g. Motives and ) you can buy more than just beauty and cosmetics products at wholesale prices, You could for example buy multivitamins and isotonic products. Such purchases represent a clear saving to you on products that you are already going to buy. This is the online equivalent of having a Costco or Makro account in the UK.

Lets add another dimension to this.. Some of the MUAs friends, business contacts and work colleagues e.g. Hairdressers, Nail Technicians, Manicurists, Masseurs also recommend products off of the MUAs’ online site that are relevant to them. Again these sales come in without any direct effort from the MUA and they come in alongside the MUAs other work.

One or two of the MUAs friends decide that they would also like to have their own online shop and the MUA helps them set that up and guides them on it’s use. The MUA and the friend both get commission on the sales.

Time goes on and more and more friends are selling products off of the websites or have their own websites. The result is a substantial income for many of them that is independent of the number of hours that they put in and which allows them to select which clients they actually want to spend their time with.

Take a look at this video:



Which is about a product range that originated in the U.S. ( in 2010 ) and was conceived by Loren Ridinger and enhanced by LaLa Anthony ( if you are fans of The Kardashians then you may of heard of them ).

This is a high quality, affordable cosmetics and beauty product range which is endorsed by many Celebrity MUAs globally. ( <<< Link )  It is being sold direct via MUAs, Salon and Spa owners and other beauty related professionals. The reason that you can have high quality product at mid range pricing and give high commissions to resellers is that NO money is being spent on advertising or corporate fatcats – the profit goes to the people that deserve it – the MUAs and their business partners. There is a sophisticated 24 -72 hour global delivery system to support sales from the Online sites though.

The Motives business system is a turnkey system that accomplishes EXACTLY what I have said above. Retail profit is added to time for money ( the appointment itself )  and in addition there is profit sharing for group sales.

N.B. We have built a financial model spreadsheet ( mini business plan ) to support this blog. See what happens when you add this to your normal MUA income !!!!

If you are based in Birmingham and ready for a change Contact me – twitter @cwindley, skype chris.windley or phone 07881 500002 to discuss this opportunity in greater detail.

Recommended Makeup Artists:

Holly Zamani.

Helen Pearson.




Hen Party Makeup Dublin

Posted by Chris on January 4th, 2014

If you are having your hen party in Dublin then we have a great makeup package for you

Dublin is an amazing place to have your Hens Party and we will make sure that you look great for your special night out


Hello Beauties! due to the increased number of enquiries Decadent Beauty have had regarding makeovers and their Hens Party Packages, we decided it was high time to dedicate a blog to it. We all know that getting married is one of the most important days of a girls life! But lets not forget the wonderful opportunity the bride to be has, to gather all the lovely ladies in her life together and celebrate her impending nuptial’s. Why not let us get your evening off to a sparkling start?




Decadent Beauty will come to your hotel/venue of choice and give you ladies a stunning make over that will add that extra touch of glitter and glamour to your night!! If you have a themed hen night in mind, for example vintage look, they can cater for you. Just contact them and tell them your idea and they will work with you to create the look you wish for.


Package prices vary depending on numbers, they offer discounts for larger groups, however no group is too small.  If you are travelling to the UK for a hens party, we have top make up artists over there that are also offering hens party packages so please don’t hesitate to contact us:, Tel: 087 3869021 and ask for Debbie.


Professional Makeup Artist recommendation for Dublin

Posted by Chris on December 30th, 2013

I would recommend professional makeup artist Debbie O’Brien for special occassions like weddings

Debbie works in and around Dublin, Ireland and is a Motives cosmetics specialist


Here’s Debbie’s introduction to herself:

Hi everyone, and thank you for taking the time to stop by and have a look at my website. I feel that to be a really good make up artist you have to have two things, a creative flair with cosmetics and also a really good rapport with people. Since make up artistry was not my first love,  it was however something I always said I would get involved in at some point. Having spent many years in the hospitality industry, I built up a fantastic work ethic, key qualities, such as always being punctual, pride in my appearance, attention to detail (slightly OCD at times to be honest) and most importantly I pride myself at being really good with people.The many years of experience from that industry, built the foundations I needed, to do what I really always wanted to do, and that was to become a make up artist. It’s not a job for me, in the sense that I don’t dread going to work!! I spend hours looking at new make up trends, new fashion trends, browsing from make up counter to make up counter, ensuring that I’m not limiting my knowledge in any way.

Its also really important to me that I don’t allow myself to be slotted into any one category when it comes to age brackets and make up styles. I really believe it’s important to teach girls from a very young age, how precious their skin is, and how important it is to look after it properly. So if its a young lady wishing to have her first make up experience, or a lady that wishes to celebrate her 50th wedding anniversary, its my job to make every woman feel fabulous!!!

Here’s some testimonials from happy clients:


Tweeting-GoddessOfficial Make-Up artist for the Tweeting Goddess – Sam Kelly
Winner of Tweetie inspire award and star of RTE’s Dragons Den and ‘She’s the Business’

Debbie did my make up for the Tweetie awards in October. I was delighted and felt beautiful after she worked her magic!! Debbie is a professional and also puts you at total ease and I put total trust in her. I will be using her as my make up girl from now on! Highly Recommend!!! – Sam Kelly


Helen-300x230After being disappointed with my original bridal make-up trial, Debbie(Decadent Beauty) came recommended through a friend.  I was quite fussy about what kind of make up I wanted for my big day, Debbie really listened to what I wanted done but she gave a few suggestions too which worked out perfect. Debbie was so professional and insisted on getting my make up just right, she wanted to be 101% sure I was happy with the end result on my make up trial. On the big day, she kept me calm and stayed right up till I was ready to leave my house to touch up any last minute lippy etc. I would recommend Debbie to any Bride that is looking for hassle free make up artist to do their make up on their special day. I would definitely use Debbie again for any future events. Helen

I could not recommend Debbie enough. She graciously agreed to do my makeup on my wedding day. I have never felt so beautiful. The look she created for me was exactly what I wanted (although I actually didn’t tell her what I wanted) & it lasted all day. This photo is taken hours after I had my make up done and it stayed this fresh all day long, bearing in mind I got married in Greece and it was also hot. Honestly, Debbie is such a professional & highly skilled, everyone commented on how amazing my make up was. Susan.

Contact Debbie at:

Decadent Beauty


See her full website HERE 


How to become a successful Motives Makeup Artist in the UK

Posted by Chris on December 26th, 2013

Being successful with Motives®,  understanding the Brand and the Business Opportunity in the UK

Motives® Cosmetics was an innovation of Miami and New York based Loren Ridinger the wife of Market America CEO JR Ridinger.  She has done an amazing job of  branding Motives® Makeup and  has been incredibly successful on social media, particularly FacebookInstagramYouTubeTwitter, and Google+.   Motives® is just one of the divisions of Market America  and country organisations like Market United Kingdom. This multi-billion parent company, which is now 21 years old, has had over 20 years of growth without a down quarter.  Market America’s strength and diversity of products gives Motives’ makeup consultants distinct advantages over any other makeup business opportunity.  Amongst these advantages are the fact that there are many related beauty, health and wellness products that can also be provided to clients and that Motives is part of the  “go-to” shopping destination for cash-back and over 3,000 partner stores, .

Motives Fast start Full Distributor Kit

Loren has numerous accolades including Entrepreneur of the Year, and is very influential. One of  her greatest assets is her ability to foresee the trends, choose the right products and get the right PR for Motives Cosmetics.   She partnered with her best friend, LaLa Anthony to create Motives by LaLa for women with darker skin and when the two product lines are combined Motives offers  beauty for every skin colour.  When everything is taken together Motives is a business opportunity that is fun but with all the ingredients required for a successful business.

The steps that you will need to take are detailed below, however, you don’t need to do this alone because we have created a support organisation and  network to help you through each of these steps. More on that HERE .

I personally think it is important to understand that this product line was developed and is being continuously updated and added to by people that are at the forefront of beauty and cosmetics innovation. Loren and LaLa are friends with many celebrities who include the Kardashians and Jay Lo and these people will not wear inferior products and they want value for money. They can afford to buy anything but they will not buy, use or recommend  poor quality product.


Become a Motives Makeup Artist by following these Easy Steps

1.  Learn the  product philosophy and culture  – What makes Motives Cosmetics products so great ? :

  • Customizable cosmetics line that complements every age, skin tone and skin type
  • Perfect formulas for easy and foolproof application
  • Powders are micro-pulverized for a smooth, flawless finish
  • Fully pigmented cosmetics for photo shoots and fashion shows
  • Award-Winning Cosmetics Line with Proprietary Formulas
  • Highest Quality Ingredients, Hypoallergenic & Non-comedogenic
  • Desirable , Attractive Packaging and Affordable Pricing ( Dior or Chanel quality at less than the price of MAC )
  • No animal testing
  • Try the products – buy a few and use them
  • Find out about some of the celebrity makeup artists from the US and UK that are using Motives

2. Learn about the business opportunity – What makes the Motives business model so attractive for beauty advisors, makeup artists, and business entrepreneurs?

  • Get your own personalised website (mine is HERE ) – each product is detailed with why it works, why we love it, and the ingredients. Each product also has a unique – to you – web address/url so that you can post it in blogs and on social media and bring people directly back to your site to purchase.
  • We provide training (basic to advanced), tools (kits, downloads, viral), marketing and support to ensure your success
  • Be your own boss and make your own schedule
  • Work from home, online or in-person
  • This is a proven business system with residual income (more on residual income later but basically this means it comes in while you sleep or play and it also lasts beyond your lifetime as it can be willed to your partner or your children). Find out more about seperating time from money HERE .

3. Learn about the money that you can make as a Motives® Beauty Advisor

  • If you are a Makeup artist already add to your appointment money with product sales
  • Earn 30% or more in retail profit from your sales at appointments or with Makeup 101 Workshops and Skin Care Clinics
  • Earn approximately £300+  profit per Beauty Event ( could be much more )
  • Hold two events per month and earn £600+ in retail profits alone ( or more )
  • Build a team of just 2 partner Beauty Advisors ( One to hold your left hand and one your right )  to earn more in commissions ( residual income)

4. Apply, Create, & Qualify your New Motives business with a Fast Start Kit for £199 ( Get £550 worth of product for £199 )

  • Motives Consultant FastStart Kit.
  • Apply to become a Motives Consultant HERE .  Enter Distributor Code #211114939.   Follow the instructions on the application.   When it comes to the transfer buy ( this information can be autofilled ) or if you have questions on the products that you might use monthly, take the Home Advisor.  The Home Advisor system was built to help you discover products that can enhance your daily life, and save you money in the process.  Therefore another benefit of being a Motives Makeup Artists  is that we are able to save hundreds of pounds monthly on our home purchases ( Depending on household it could be more ).
  • After your application is complete, open your kit and sample each product.  Check out the brochures and start completing your 90 Day Getting Started Guide.

5. Follow the Getting Started Guide that will start your business off in the right direction.  This is an education and you will have to learn your new business the right way.

Get started following the 90 Day Getting Started Guide and Building your Business with Motives.  Both guides will take you step-by-step through the process of starting a Motives business.  The guide and the business builder will allow you to chart every next step.   One of the most important steps is setting your goals.  Whether you want £300 a week or £2,000 a week, you set your pace of your business, based on what you want to achieve.

6. There is no special secret about becoming a Motives Make-Up Consultant, but building the business, if you are not already a makeup artist with appointments,  requires that you use a calendar and arrange time for events.  Holding Makeup and Skin Care events builds your Motives business.

The real fun of building a Motives business, whether you are a make-up artist, or a “mom-preneur” or a business woman looking for the ability to build a million dollar business, is holding your first Makeup ( Beauty )  101 and Skin Care 101 event.    Makeup and Skin Care events, workshops, or parties are the key to building a successful business.  Gather a group of friends or co-workers and hold at least two events a month.  From each event you want to book your next workshop, so plan on offering a hostess gift and follow the Motives Makeup 101 Event  format.  When you hold the event, simply read the information about each product and it is very important to demonstrate each product.   Remember that people love excitement, so if you are monotone, your event will be monotone.  Create excitement and your event will be memorable.

Becoming a Motives Make-up Consultant can provide you will the ability to build a business or utilize the fabulous make-up as an artist.  

Motives Makeup Business Partner Fast track to Director in the UK

Posted by Chris on December 9th, 2013

We are announcing a scheme to fast track 20 selected individuals to Motives Business Director level by the end of 2014

Behind this initiative are $Million earners, startup specialists, small business development experts and digital marketing moguls

The Motives by Loren Ridinger and LaLa Anthony Cosmetics range has taken the world by storm not only for the quality, fashion forward nature and affordable pricing ( typically you get higher quality and more product at half the price of high end cosmetics ) but also for the innovative promotional and marketing techniques utilised.


Loren and LaLa.


The ” Instagram Project ” as it is known within Motives is probably one of the most successful promotional efforts in the world. Avoiding advertising and paying for promotion Loren and LaLa provided product to beauty bloggers and Instagramers and they produced pictures and blogs that generated 100’s of leads within days and carry on doing so.

It is this marrying of Digital promotion with what is quite clearly a product range that needs personal attention and face to face selling that is so powerful.

A Motives Business Director will earn around £144,000.00 ( £144K) a year ( NB A Director earns between £12K and £18K in a 4 week pay cycle ) but to get to that level you have to get through about 10 Business Levels. There are a number of examples of people getting to that level in around 11 months so to get there by the end of 2014, for the right person, putting in the right activity, with the correct level of knowledge and skills, this is entirely possible.

As the C.E.O of Motives parent company, JR Ridinger, says .. what you need to provide is the PASSION !!!!


Photo: Motivational Monday: Wise words from our CEO.


YOU are going to be someone that is PASSIONATE about the beauty industry. You might be – but don’t have to be – a Makeup Artist, a salon or spa owner, a Nail technician, a hairdresser or a skincare specialist.

You KNOW that the beauty, health and wellness industry is a multi-billion opportunity. You also know that although you love the industry, meeting people and making them look and feel beautiful you are NOT getting properly compensated for the time, skill and effort that you are putting in.  The shop or salon you work in is making some money and the Directors and shareholders of the product company are also making money but YOU are NOT.

If you are a shop or salon owner then you know that you need to MAKE MORE MONEY but you might not know exactly how to do it.

Most people that become millionaires, multi-millionaires or billionaires have done it because they started a business of one sort or another and they either stayed with it until it grew into a big company or they ” exited ” from it – sold or floated it on the stock market.

Some of the ingredients to a successful business are … great products or service, attractive brand, scalability and replicate-ability and some element of divorcing time from money.

You will probably know about the need for a business to have great products, service, branding and marketing.

You might not quite understand the need for scalability ( ability to grow ) , replicate-ability ( repeatable model ) and how to divorce time from money.

They are all tied together and the fact that the Motives business is both an online ( Internet based ) and offline ( face to face ) business is highly relevant here.

So, let me just tell you some of the key people that we have in the team here ( excluding for the moment JR and Loren Ridinger and LaLa Anthony themselves ) :

Lisa and Don Martin – Million Dollar earners with Motives and Market America.



International Business Development and Motives Specialists – Rob and Joyce Jenkins



Small Business Marketing Advisor and former Advisor to the White House – Michael Nelson



Me !!!

and Marketing and Event Management specialist Claire Taylor

Claire Taylor

Over the next few weeks we will be identifying the 20 people that we want to work with in the U.K. and Ireland to help to build in the UK and beyond ( eg Europe and the Middle East ).

Some of these places have already been filled and we have already started working with these individuals.

Please make contact by twitter @cwindley, skype – chris.windley or mobile +447881 500002 asap.






WANTED !! Motives Mavens for the UK. Cosmetics Evangelists.

Posted by Chris on October 18th, 2013

We are looking for bloggers and makeup artists in the UK who are ready to replicate the massive success of the New York Motives Mavens

Loren Rodinger and LaLa Anthony have started a cosmetics and skincare range that is taking the world by storm

A  month or so ago some very special beauty and fashion bloggers were invited aboard JR and Loren’s yacht in New York to sample the Motives Cosmetics and Skincare range.

The blogs and posts on Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest ( particularly ) that emanated from this short boat trip have become a Social Media, Beauty and Fashion phenomenon.

Demonstrating the unbelievable power of blogging, picture taking and social media the Motives message has been sent around the world resulting in more and more bloggers, makeup artists and other people involved in the beauty and fashion world sitting up and taking notice.

Here’s a video of that fantastic event:


You will be able to find the Instagram Addresses for most of the participants there.

Now, this trip was a follow on from an idea that Loren and LaLa had one night, late, when they were working at home in their P. J.’s ( Pyjamas to us Brits ). This idea was to reach out to the top 5 Instagramers and ask them for feedback on the Motives products.

Here’s another video where Loren and LaLa explain how they started what became known as ” The Instagram Project ” and what was the result of it. This includes some amazing pictures and posts which are being used by Motives representatives all over the world and have been replicated from Instagram to Facebook, Twitter and many peoples blog posts.


As Loren says – by providing these leading Instagramers with product they have, very kindly, produced reviews, photos and blog posts.

We are looking for Instagramers, bloggers and fashion and beauty professionals to do a similar thing in the UK.

You don’t have to be a ” global phenomenon ” yourself ( although you may be one day ) you just have to be a dedicated, professional blogger or makeup artist ( or aspiring artist ).

When I hear the word ” Maven ” ( which you may not be familear with ) I always think of The Tipping Point ( a book written by Malcolm Gladwell ) who referred to the fact that some people have a particular, rare,  set of social gifts. They are predominantly either salespeople, connectors ( they know lots of influential people ) or mavens ( they know a lot about a particular subject ).

Fashion and Beauty bloggers are typically a combination of these – very knowledgeable about their specialist area, able to connect with people ( online ) and also able to sell.

These people can ” Evangelise ” about a product or brand.

If you think that you can do this please contact me by commenting here ( I will get your email address ) , Tweeting me @cwindley, skype me at chris.windley or phone or text me on +447881 500002. email: or

By the way this is a global initiative but we are focussing on the UK and Ireland at the moment. Best Regards.


Some work from home jobs are not quite what they seem – and Motives UK

Posted by Chris on October 10th, 2013

In America, as everywhere else, people are looking for legitimate ways that they can work from home and earn a decent living but look out – the scammers are about !!

People will go to incredible lengths to manipulate real stories and turn them to their own advantage


Market America and Market United Kingdom ( which includes the and Motives Beauty brands ) is a very substantial, fast growing, direct sales business.

Here’s a few facts:

Company Quick Facts:

  • Founded in 1992 Market America Worldwide is headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
  • Over $5.3 billion generated in accumulated retail sales
  • Individuals have earned over $2.8 billion in commissions and retail profits
  • Hundreds of exclusive Market America branded products and services
  • Over 50 million additional products/services through affiliates and direct partners
  • Operates globally in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the United Kingdom

and with those facts you can imagine that it is pretty upsetting when real testimonials are doctered to support other, less legitimate businesses.

Take a look at this report HERE from TV Company NBC in Philadelphia, USA which talks about the way that this video



was taken and manipulated to promote another company.

So, it is very difficult to find truthful information about businesses that allow you to work from home.

The fact is that ALL businesses require hard work and dedication to make them successful. What you need to know is that the business model is real and can work.

In October and November 2013 the Founders of Market America , Loren and JR Ridinger and other senior management will be visiting the UK again giving you an opportunity to meet with them and discuss the and Motives opportunity.

As I have pointed out in earlier blogs  such as this one  and this one  we are particular focussed on helping people with the digital marketing aspects of the Market United Kingdom home based business.

We are also concentrating our efforts, for the time being, on the fashion and beauty aspects of the product line as there are many people to whom this is relevant – fashion and beauty blog and shop owners ( with or without a website )  health spas, makeup artists etc etc

Contact me by leaving a comment or Google me and connect with me on Twitter ( @cwindley ) , Facebook , Skype ( chris.windley ) or whatever communication method suits you.


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