You will probably be aware of the recent state actor hack of an MoD contractor.

This has had immediate implications for all Government, MoD and Police supply chains.



It is likely that all contractors have Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus.

However suppliers to these contractors may not.

We have seen an immediate reaction whereby contractors supplying one or more of the above are checking their existing suppliers and insisting that they have CE or CE Plus and any people becoming  suppliers must as well.

Obviously this is all very appropriate however it is not enough.

Cyber Essentials is the technical element of Cyber Security, Risk Minimisation and Compliance but we also recommend that Cyber Assurance ( for People and Processes ) is also attained.

Cyber Insurance comes free with Cyber Essentials and can be topped up to required levels.

However companies also need something like our Customised, Virtual Security Operations Centre ( SOC ) and also regular Pen Testing and team training.

STOP PRESS !! Get a FREE 2 week trial of our SOC !!

Typically companies need to get CE or CE Plus rapidly.

We are set up to do this and also to keep costs low and the time involved as short as possible.

We have produced a Cyber Security Roadmap to help guide all sizes and types of companies and we also have self service or assisted CE and CE Plus attainment options.

Please contact us if you or anyone you know needs CE, CE Plus or improved Cyber Security, reduced risk or increased compliance.

Contact me on +447881 500002

STOP PRESS !! Hear what Ciaran Martin ex Chief Exec of the NCSC has to say about China’s attacks on the UK.