We are looking for bloggers and makeup artists in the UK who are ready to replicate the massive success of the New York Motives Mavens

Loren Rodinger and LaLa Anthony have started a cosmetics and skincare range that is taking the world by storm

A  month or so ago some very special beauty and fashion bloggers were invited aboard JR and Loren’s yacht in New York to sample the Motives Cosmetics and Skincare range.

The blogs and posts on Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest ( particularly ) that emanated from this short boat trip have become a Social Media, Beauty and Fashion phenomenon.

Demonstrating the unbelievable power of blogging, picture taking and social media the Motives message has been sent around the world resulting in more and more bloggers, makeup artists and other people involved in the beauty and fashion world sitting up and taking notice.

Here’s a video of that fantastic event:


You will be able to find the Instagram Addresses for most of the participants there.

Now, this trip was a follow on from an idea that Loren and LaLa had one night, late, when they were working at home in their P. J.’s ( Pyjamas to us Brits ). This idea was to reach out to the top 5 Instagramers and ask them for feedback on the Motives products.

Here’s another video where Loren and LaLa explain how they started what became known as ” The Instagram Project ” and what was the result of it. This includes some amazing pictures and posts which are being used by Motives representatives all over the world and have been replicated from Instagram to Facebook, Twitter and many peoples blog posts.


As Loren says – by providing these leading Instagramers with product they have, very kindly, produced reviews, photos and blog posts.

We are looking for Instagramers, bloggers and fashion and beauty professionals to do a similar thing in the UK.

You don’t have to be a ” global phenomenon ” yourself ( although you may be one day ) you just have to be a dedicated, professional blogger or makeup artist ( or aspiring artist ).

When I hear the word ” Maven ” ( which you may not be familear with ) I always think of The Tipping Point ( a book written by Malcolm Gladwell ) who referred to the fact that some people have a particular, rare,  set of social gifts. They are predominantly either salespeople, connectors ( they know lots of influential people ) or mavens ( they know a lot about a particular subject ).

Fashion and Beauty bloggers are typically a combination of these – very knowledgeable about their specialist area, able to connect with people ( online ) and also able to sell.

These people can ” Evangelise ” about a product or brand.

If you think that you can do this please contact me by commenting here ( I will get your email address ) , Tweeting me @cwindley, skype me at chris.windley or phone or text me on +447881 500002. email: chris.windley@btinternet.com or chris.windley@gmail.com

By the way this is a global initiative but we are focussing on the UK and Ireland at the moment. Best Regards.