Social Media, she said, is full of fakes, flakes, weirdos, liars & creeps !!!

Posted by Chris on August 11th, 2012

This morning I was talking to a good Twitter friend of mine ( we have not actually known one another for very long ) and I found myself defending a social media related company to her for the SECOND time. The first time it was and the second time it was global professional network

She basically said that Social Media networks ( particularly Facebook and Twitter ) were full of fakes, flakes, weirdo’s, liars and creeps and that there was no room in her life for any more social networks ………UNLESS there was a clear benefit. Now, this is a straight talking lady that talks a lot of sense. There was that chink of hope .. UNLESS there was a clear benefit !!

The only network that she thought was ( relatively ) safe AND produced business was Linkedin.

It is interesting that Facebook is suffering from many rumours about ” Fake accounts ” and it’s share price is plummeting whilst Linkedin is seen as a much better bet . Twitter is still a private company but everyone knows that you can buy Twitter followers for a relatively low price. e.g. .

I think there is a change coming . People want to network and they want to do business – they just don’t want the hassle that comes with social networking – particularly if it does not actually produce business.

Linkedin is pretty safe but I have noticed a number of connection requests from decidedly flakey looking accounts. So far I have connected to nearly all of them as I am an Open Networker and there is an unwritten agreement that Open Networkers connect to anybody.

Personally I don’t find Linkedin very intuitive, easy to communicate with others or productive from a business point of view. Twitter is my most productive business network and well ahead of both Facebook and Linkedin. I don’t think I have had a single business conversation on Google + despite having an extensive network there and being a Google + Beta user.

Twylah and Brandergy have at least one thing in common – they both have great ” Community Managers ” ( Kelly Kim in the case of Twylah and Vincent Wright in the case of Brandergy ). Community Management does not happen in e.g. Linkedin, Facebook or Twitter – unless you are talking about Group managers. Good ” Community Management ” is a new skill and a hard one to carry out effectively.

I dream of a global, positive, supportive network that actually achieves business for it’s members. I have ” sub networks ” on Twitter and Facebook ( Twitter particularly ) which comprise of ” Internet Influencers ” who are “engaged ” with me and supportive.

However, it is one thing to have a global, positive, influential, engaged and supportive network and entirely another to have that network produce results.

Producing results requires that you step from the virtual world into the real world of actual products and services, phone calls, meetings, presentations, proposals and orders. In other words that you monetise your network.

Where most social networks are focussed on increasing numbers what is required is a social network that has ” barriers to entry ” – a Quality over Quantity network.

I actually had a conversation this afternoon with someone who had joined Brandergy and they were ” worrying ” about who they should introduce into Brandergy themselves. They wanted to maintain the ” Quality ” of the network. This ” elitism ” is what is required to contrast with the ” fakes, flakes, weirdo’s,liars and creeps ” that are on other networks. You want the ” SAS ” or ” Seal Team ” of networkers.

You know pretty instantly when you meet them on other networks. ( I always think it is amazing that people’s character comes across in 140 characters ). They slot into the ” team ” instantly and become part of a well oiled machine.

New York Experienced Specialist Startup Recruiter

Posted by Chris on August 5th, 2012

If you are looking for looking for a New York Experienced Specialist Startup Recruiter who can operate  anywhere in the world but based from the East Coast of America near New York then a social media recruiting phenomenon, Vincent Wright, is looking for a selected number of partners to work with – but if you want Vincent to help you then you are going to have to move FAST !!

I have known Vincent for years – since my first days on my first social network – Ecademy. We have kept in touch over the years and I am amazed that he has found time to make this offer to work with people.

He is the founder and developer of so many social media initiatives like, MyLinkedinPowerForum, and He has huge networks on Linkedin. He is also the most experienced New York based Specialist Startup Recruiter that I know.

I have copied Vincents messages to his community on this subject here:

“If you’re amenable to discussing a “Structured Partner Program” for, I’m seeking 5 partners in the following 5 “S.M.A.R.T. ” categories:
  1. Sales (Includes prospecting, sales research, sales engineers, etc.)
  2. Marketing (includes branding, social media strategy)
  3. Administrative (includes all functions to keep run an enterprise such as legal, fundraising, accounting, management, coaching, training)
  4. Recruitment (includes sourcing)
  5. Technology (includes the full spectrum of software, including database, development, maintenance, graphic design, etc.)
For details, please contact me, as soon as possible. My contact information is below:”
“Below is an overview of my intended role + a basic outline of the 5 fee levels for the Brandergy Structured Partner Program:
We intend to work with only 5 partners to help our partners do business in one of the 5 “S.M.A.R.T.” categories.
Because, ultimately, doing business is a matter of building strong professional relationships, my role will be to serve as a hybrid between a business development consultant and a meeting facilitator between your company and my contacts while I continue to provide the Brandergy community with content and concepts to help them with their own social media objectives. It is from the Brandergy community that the overwhelming bulk of our joint business meetings for “S.M.A.R.T.” will originate…You may think of my role as a Professional Relationships Officer (P.R.O.)
  1. A.) $   500.00 annual retainer  +   B.) $100.00 per month fee  +  C.) 10% success fee
  2. A.) $1,000.00 annual retainer  +   B.)  $ 75.00 per month fee  +  C.)   5% success fee
  3. A.) $1,500.00 annual retainer  +   B.)  $ 50.00 per month fee  +  C.)   3% success fee
  4. A.) $2,500.00 annual retainer  +   B.)  $ 25.00 per month fee  +  C.)   2% success fee
  5. A.) $5,000.00 annual retainer  +   B.)  $    .00 per month fee  +   C.)  1% success fee
To get started and to retain the “Technology” section of the “S.M.A.R.T.” partner program, please make the appropriate deposit for the level of your choosing via PayPal.
In that there are only 5 slots for partners at the moment, the partnerships are on a first come, first serve basis…
Should you have questions and would like to discuss them immediately, please feel free to contact me at your convenience at either: +1-860-967-0931 or via Skype at MyLinkedinPowerForum  (I’ll be available for at least 5 hours more via both means…)
I look forward to working with you.”
New York Experienced Specialist Startup Recruiter
New York Experienced Specialist Startup Recruiter

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