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I work with Market United Kingdom and Shop.com – the global shopping comparison site. My area of specialisation is Digital Sales and Marketing. I am applying Digital Marketing and Sales Techniques learned over some 8 years.

This is my Shop.com site  HERE .

This is my Motives site HERE.

There’s more about Shop.com HERE .

ONLINE SHOPPING is, as I am sure you know, BIG business.  Of course you will know online shopping companies like Amazon, ebay and ASOS. Here’s a random list of 10 Online Shopping sites. 

The difference about Shop.com and Motives is that this can become YOUR shopping site. Not only can you and your friends buy from it but you can, as they say ” White Label ” it. ( This means you have your version of of the Shop.com and Motives websites )

You can find almost anything on Shop.com and Motives and now you know you can also get your own Shop.com or Motives site. Why would you want one ??

Well let’s say that you have some sort of Health and Nutrition based business – maybe the Sports and Fitness area. You can provide the Isotonix range of products to your clients . This might be your main offering to your clients but of course you can sell anything on the site. If you have a website you can link to your Shop.com or Motives branded sites from there.

Maybe you have a Beauty related business – then there are the Motives, Cellular Laboratories and Royal Spa products. Perhaps you run a Beauty Blog ?? I have seen some great ones recently. Here’s the thing though .. you need to MONETISE your efforts. Basically that means getting people to buy things. Many bloggers understand that one of the key objectives is to get TRAFFIC to their blogs. They put traffic counters prominently on their blogs to show how many people visit it and they have e.g. Facebook and Twitter accounts that they work hard on in order to build their networks and drive traffic back to their blogsites. There are nice offers from companies whose products they have reviewed. Why not add to this with your own Shopping Portals ???

Perhaps you are into Clothes and Fashion . Then there is that section of the Shop.com website.

You will have one major focus area where your main customers will go but they can also visit the other shopping areas as well, getting not only very competitive prices but cashback aswell.

If you have a website but you don’t have a shopping portal then this can become your shopping portal.

So this complements whatever you are already doing.

The cost of acquiring this global shopping portal for your use ???? Let’s call it £300 shall we – for the purposes of this discussion??


Now, some people might know Shop.com / Market United Kingdom / Market America and say to you that it is a Network Marketing company.

My response to that is that  part of it is a global Network Marketing/Direct Sales  company ( and these companies are an amazing business model if done correctly like Market America/United Kingdom )   but what I am talking about is the Shopping Portal element.

The two things are or can be – separate.


Current Focus


Right now I am focussed on building a Motives based team and we are offering intensive support to new team members in order to get them to Motives Business Director by the end of 2014. There are more details on this program >> HERE <<.

IF you are an MUA or other Beauty related professional ( Nail Technician, Skincare professional, Health and Wellness professional ) then please take a look at this description of how to take your earnings to a new level.



If you would like to talk to me about this please Google me and connect on one of the Social Networks, eg I am @cwindley on twitter or you can add me on skype ( I am chris.windley ) or call me on +447881500002.



N.B. At the recent Market America International Conference ( MAIC 2013 ) a new website was launched HERE . Not all of these things may apply to the UK right now but on the other hand it gives you a feel for the latest products and directions. In terms of what I said about the Shopping Portal element you are looking at 1 and 2 HERE . 3. is only for those people who want to build a sales and marketing team.


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