Chris Windley’s Daily Mail Interview on Digital Death

Posted by Chris on October 2nd, 2012

Chris Windley, Digital Marketing Expert and Managing Partner at the Silicon Crossroads Technopolis in Lichfield, Staffordshire spoke to the Daily Mail about Digital Death and why he is waiting for the official launch of My Digital Executor and NOT death !!

The impact of a Digital Death is entirely dependent on how involved someone is in the digital world and what the consequences of disconnection or interruption to their system would be. There are people who have maybe, a Linkedin or a Facebook account and use the Internet for browsing and for email. There are 2 or 3 passwords and usernames involved in that.

Now imagine that you were Stuart Ross ( see below ) , Founder of the Six Figure Mentors and someone who earns $100’s of thousands  a month through the Internet

Find Stuart at :

using various tools such as web and blogsites, social media sites, Google pay per Click, Facebook adverts, emailing lists, autoresponders etc etc etc. I don’t know how many usernames and passwords he has but it’s a lot !! I would say that nobody would understand  how Stuart made his money except that he has been discussing and sharing his techniques with his ” inner circle ” and with Six Figure Mentor members so there are actually quite a few people now who understand what he is doing. Previously only Stuart’s mentors would have understood what he is doing – his parents and brothers and sisters certainly don’t !!

There is a sort of no-man’s land between the casual user and a ” proper ” Internet based business. People that run eBay shops or small ecommerce sites; bloggers with lots of followers and advertising revenues being generated from their sites. It is highly unlikely that anyone un other than them understand how the system works.

Typically the sites that they use eBay, Facebook, PayPal, Google etc etc are based in the U.S. and they have their own views on what happens when someone dies.

When a Facebook user dies anyone ( yes anyone !! ) can shut down the account given that they have proof of death. So, imagine this – Stuart

( God forbid ) dies and the news gets around. One of his competitors hears about this, knows that a lot of Stuart’s income is dependent on Facebook ( adverts ) , provides proof of death to Facebook and gets the account shut down. Probably nobody ( the relatives or the lawyers involved ) has any conception that this is an important part of the income generating system.

What redress does the estate have against the person who shut it down or Facebook ?? None !!

Graham Ross ( below ), Founder of My Digital Executor, decided that this was just unacceptable.

Here’s what Graham says on his website ……

Have you ever worried about what would happen to your email, tweets, blogs, domains,  affiliate sales accounts, created/collected music, photographs, websites, designs, virtual world items, online account balances, online revenue streams and even operational online businesses when you log off for that final time? Probably be lost forever or, worse,  be taken over by those unauthorised by you, putting your money, data and creative property at risk. Read articles on the problem from The New York Times and The Guardian.

Let us put your mind at rest

Our straight forward and simple protocol ensures that your accounts and assets will be handled fully in accordance with your wishes. We provide a form on which you set out, and update, your wishes. We then refer you to a solicitor who will help you ensure those wishes are legally honoured (you are not committed to any further costs beyond your membership of this service).

Writing an informal note of your wishes has no effect

You may think that informally appointing someone to take over a digital asset on your death is the answer but it will have no legal effect. Equally of no legal effect are services that store your passwords and last wishes like and Legacy Locker specifically warns by email  those you seek to appoint that ‘it is not legally binding’ because ‘ownership of any electronic rights related to the internet such as intellectual property, domain names, or marketing affiliation agreements, cannot be granted or transferred through Legacy Locker’.  This is because the law dictates who is entitled to your assets, including your digitalassets, and the only way to impose your wish above the law is through a Will, or Codicil to a Will. A friend who acts, albeit innocently, on your informal wishes can be sued by the next of kin entitled to your estate. We  ensure you are able to make such wishes binding and effective after you pass away.

We protect your passwords but do not hold them

Whilst we ensure your estate has lawful and effective access to your online accounts after your death, we do not hold your passwords.

What if I just ignore the problem

If you want to learn about the problems with what would happen on your death with some of the more popular internet services, then see our page called ‘How Websites Deal With Your Death’.

For more information call Graham on:

MD Executor Ltd

A company registered in England under registration number 08226375

Registered Office:-

47 Rodney St


L1 9EW

Telephone:  0845 0573719

Fax: 0870 130 3337


Don’t join Stuart Ross’s Six Figure Mentors !!!!!

Posted by Chris on September 29th, 2012
Stuart Ross of the Six Figure Mentors says:
I’ve said it before… I’ll say it again:
Not everyone should be an entrepreneur.
There’s a certain mindset you must have in order to succeed in
business (any kind of business).  And people who lack this
mindset are always better off accepting it and staying as far
away from the whacky “roller coaster” ride of
entrepreneurship as possible.
They’re liable to get themselves hurt, otherwise.
Both financially AND emotionally.
And you know what?
This is especially true for people seeking SFM:
( Find out more about SFM >>>>>>>>> HERE <<<<<<<<<<<< )
If you’re not really serious about being your own boss,
controlling your income, and building lasting wealth, then
please do not even bother to complete your application.
If you’re more interested in security than freedom, keep your
job. And if you’re someone who wants to be taken care of by
other people (like the government, for example) and not do
any kind of work or productive activity, then don’t even
waste your time (or ours).
The business world is NOT for everyone.
And SFM is definitely not for everyone, either.
In fact, we have even had to turn members away.
This isn’t because we’re snobs or anything.
We just know (after dealing with hundreds of members) what
kind of person is likely to succeed and what kind is likely
to “choke.”
The point?
I DO want to encourage people to take the application.
But only if you think you have the right stuff to succeed.
Education level doesn’t matter…
Your current experience doesn’t matter.
And neither does your age, social status, occupation, background,
or technological skills (I could barely check my email when
starting business).
What matters is your mindset.
Do you truly want to be in business for yourself?
Or are you okay with being someone’s “yes man” forever?
Be honest with yourself about this.
If you think you DO have what it takes, then here’s an
internet marketing training platform that’s so simple.
CLICK >>>>>>>>> HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Stuart Ross
Who the heck?

Stuart Ross – Six Figure Mentors – my opinion so far ….

Posted by Chris on September 19th, 2012

I came across Stuart Ross of the Six Figure Mentors about a week ago when I randomly clicked on one of his Facebook adverts. ( I hardly ever click on Facebook ads but it looked interesting ). It didn’t take me long to find a video interview that Thomas Power ( co-founder of ) did with Stuart.

As I ” Know, Like and Trust ” Thomas ( & Penny ) Power I quickly signed up for the initial offer here ..

Step #1

Scroll down and you’ll see our secure online payments form to get started…

The application fee is only $19.95 and don’t worry you wont risk a single penny as it’s 100% refundable within 30 days if you decide this is not for you (or if we determine you’re simply not the right person for us) then just let us know and your $19.95 will be refunded immediately.

I am very glad I did !!!

People who follow me will know that I am a massive fan of HubSpot and that I have been promoting what I call the Internet Marketing Ecosystem here for some time. Actually, I am about to launch a WordPress website which describes the Internet Marketing Ecosystem in more detail.

I have been working my way through Stuart Ross’s video course ( which I gained access to when I paid my $20 ) and also Stuart has been emailing me every day ( well, his automated system’s have 😉 with new video’s and information.

I have also had a telephone call ( skype ) with Martyn Hickey, who is one of Stuart’s team. I booked this through the Six Figure Mentor website for last Monday. Frankly it was too early to talk because I was working diligently through the information that I had already got and was getting every day. I simply said the truth – that this was the best $20 I had spent in years !!! I really mean this.

I am going to explain why it was so valuable and useful shortly but before I do let us digress…..

When I first saw HubSpot a couple of years ago it was a revelation to me. I think they have been going for about 3 or 4 years now and HubSpot is the 2nd fastest SaaS company in the U.S. – next to HubSpot’s mantra ” Get FOUND, CONVERT and ANALYSE ” is, as I like to say now ” burned into my brain “.

I have a burning desire to ensure that my clients, friends and the companies I am invested in get the right advice when it comes to Internet Marketing . This has led to me developing the Internet Marketing Ecosystem concept as a relatively simple way of explaining to people what needs to happen. It happens to have components in it that I am highly committed to e.g. WordPress, Twylah and the various social networks that I use like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google + and Pinterest ( to name a few ).

The main reason we developed the Internet Marketing Ecosystem concept was that HubSpot had proved to be a ” bridge too far ” for many of my clients in terms of cost and skills and resources required. As I have said elsewhere in this blogsite HubSpot themselves appear to have realised that they are not quite suited to the small and medium sized business and certainly not to the ” solopreneur “.

Stuart Ross has designed the Six Figure Mentors around individuals:

Discover the unfair advantage of the world’s smartest home business entrepreneurs…

The SFM provides a state-of-the-art comprehensive direct marketing solution complete with the tools, training, coaching and community required to launch and grow a successful business.

but the principals certainly apply to any size of business – it’s just that Stuart has chosen to start with individuals whilst HubSpot is now more appropriate to Medium and Large sized businesses.

HubSpot and the Six Figure Mentors have very similar ( if not identical ) objectives though – to get leads, prospects and customers ( orders and cash ).

For me this was really exciting – just as a concept.

However, when you start looking at the information that you can access with a $20 payment and which comes by email from Stuart every day from the time that you sign up, you can tell that everything you need is going to be here.

For me little things and big things confirmed and reaffirmed what I was thinking. There are too many to relate really but for example: He concentrates on the strategy and outsources the detail; he thinks in terms of what motivates people to buy and how to encourage them to do so; he passionately believes in Internet Marketing; he believes in trial and error but learning quickly; some people might not believe in Facebook but he DOES !! ; He has WordPress at the core of his marketing systems.

Mostly, what is important is this. His system is proven to produce millions of Pounds, Dollars or whatever in actual sales. I am going to say right away that the Internet Marketing System has not ( yet ) produced the same thing.

Hence, I highly recommend that you go to

and invest $20 – yes just $20 !! – because I think you will agree with me that it is the best $20 you have spent for ages if not EVER !!!

If you want to find out more about Stuart you can go to his personal website here.

Stuart Ross.

I will keep you updated as to my findings with the Six Figure Mentors on a regular basis.

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