Silicon Crossroads V.C.T. is #100 of top 1000 Tech. Investors Globally
Hi Tech News, Internet influence, Internet Marketing, Silicon Crossroads, Silicon Crossroads VCT September 30th, 2012The Silicon Crossroads V.C.T. headed by Chris Windley is now regarded as being in the top 100 of tech investors in the world. The list is here as compiled by Peek Analytics.
” PeekAnalytics is an enterprise-class social audience measurement platform that provides rich consumer insights to marketers allowing them to better identify and qualify social audiences. What Nielsen® did for television and radio audiences and ComScore® did for web traffic audiences – PeekAnalytics does for social audiences.
This list of the top 1000 technology investors on Twitter is ranked by one of PeekAnalytics’s key metrics – what we call the Pull Quotient (PQ) is a good measure of how influential any given Twitter audience is, compared to the average Twitter account – 1x is average, 2x is twice as much as average, and so on. Influence, for the purposes of this calculation, is gauged by how well connected someone’s Twitter followers are not just on Twitter, but across sixty social sites, compared to the average consumer. “
PeekAnalytics: Overview

About PeekAnalytics
About PeekAnalytics Technology
Social Audience Reports
What Social Audiences Can I Measure?
- Followers – audience that follows a specific Twitter account.
- Following – people a specific account follows
- Shares – measure the audience mentioning keywords hash-tags and @usernames.
- Trending topics – measure the audience pushing up a trending topic.
- URLs – measure the audience sharing content from a specific site or viral YouTube clip.
PeekAnalytics is Perfect For:
- Advertisers/Brands – Incredibly detailed insights including demographics and psychographics of both your active and passive social audience. Drill deep into individual level consumer data with the PeekAnalytics API.
- Publishers – Arm your sales teams with deep social audience demographics and psychographics by analyzing visitors sharing content from your site. Prove to advertisers how powerful your social audience actually is.
- Agencies – Use audience analysis to plan, measure and report the social effect of your campaigns for clients. Engage your client’s influencers based on their audience makeup, rather than just an engagement score.
- Media Buyers – Understand and benchmark online engagement for offline media like TV and Movies. Enhance your digital spend by targeting the social audience responding to your viral content.
- Research Teams – Why spend hours behind a social media monitoring platforms when you could just simply have the key insights delivered to your inbox.
To learn more about PeekAnalytics email info [at]
PeekAnalytics Solutions
PeekAnalytics – Social Audience Report Dashboard
Social Audience Reports include the following insights:
- Social Use: Identify social affiliations, activities, and network size.
- Demographics: Get statistically relevant age and gender breakdowns.
- Geographic: See city, state, and country level data.
- Interests: Discover audience affinities within 25 different categories.
- Career: Uncover in which industries your audience works.
- Income: Find out your audiences’ purchasing power.
- Education: Know what type of schools your audience attended.
- Pull: Measure how well connected a person or brand is on the Internet.
Open API Access
PeekAnalytics – Social Consumer API
PeekAnalytics – Social Analytics API
“I think PeekAnalytics represents one of the most interesting, and potentially most valuable, innovations in social media measurement I’ve yet come across. Their thinking is remarkable and the value they offer to organizations trying to understand how to better connect with their audiences is genuinely important.” – Michael O’Connor Clarke – Vice President, MediaProfile, @michaelocc
“The best social media monitoring tool I’ve tested” – BL Ochman, AdAge, @Whatsnext
“Few companies are as equipped to meaningfully collect and assemble the scattered pieces of our public personas as PeekAnalytics. Not only has PeekYou been in the forefront of squaring the circle of our ever evolving online identities (while doing so in a fair and honest way), but they continue to stay ahead of the curve with Peek Analytics, a soon to be introduced means to chart online audiences that companies and individuals can use to enrich their own data” – Marshall Sponder, @webmetricsGuru
“How do you measure influence? That’s a question on the minds of many communicators. PeekYou Analytics goes beyond badges, gifts and the numbers game to present a detailed examination of your followers, who they are, where they’re from, what they’re interested in and how you influence them. The data is specific, comprehensive and gives you a more complete picture of a user’s network and their ability to engage.” – Martin Waxman, Senior Counselor, Thornley Fallis, @MartinWaxman
“Social analytics: @klout is pecking order, @PeerIndex is stability and@peekyou (PeekAnalytics) is, well, mind-blowing.“– Jay Palter, Social Media Consultant, @JayPalter
“Interesting, just got a report from @PeekAnalytics on my twitter followers, great market data. Very powerful for businesses.” – Jeremiah Owyang, Industry Analyst, Altimeter Group, @jowyang
“PeekYou Analytic is powerful tool that help discover brands the Social Consumer Insights of their network. – Jure KLEPIC, Social Media Consultant, @jkcallas
“Amazing social audience reports” – Jeremy Goldman, Digital Strategist, @jeremarketer
PeekAnalytics FAQ
Why should I care about my “passive audience”?
Why do you leave out some of audience?
What about Privacy?
How is Pull different from Klout or Kred?
Why Transparency?
Audience vs. Action?
To learn more about PeekAnalytics email info [at]
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