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Stuart Ross of the Six Figure Mentors says:
I’ve said it before… I’ll say it again:
Not everyone should be an entrepreneur.
There’s a certain mindset you must have in order to succeed in
business (any kind of business).  And people who lack this
mindset are always better off accepting it and staying as far
away from the whacky “roller coaster” ride of
entrepreneurship as possible.
They’re liable to get themselves hurt, otherwise.
Both financially AND emotionally.
And you know what?
This is especially true for people seeking SFM:
( Find out more about SFM >>>>>>>>> HERE <<<<<<<<<<<< )
If you’re not really serious about being your own boss,
controlling your income, and building lasting wealth, then
please do not even bother to complete your application.
If you’re more interested in security than freedom, keep your
job. And if you’re someone who wants to be taken care of by
other people (like the government, for example) and not do
any kind of work or productive activity, then don’t even
waste your time (or ours).
The business world is NOT for everyone.
And SFM is definitely not for everyone, either.
In fact, we have even had to turn members away.
This isn’t because we’re snobs or anything.
We just know (after dealing with hundreds of members) what
kind of person is likely to succeed and what kind is likely
to “choke.”
The point?
I DO want to encourage people to take the application.
But only if you think you have the right stuff to succeed.
Education level doesn’t matter…
Your current experience doesn’t matter.
And neither does your age, social status, occupation, background,
or technological skills (I could barely check my email when
starting business).
What matters is your mindset.
Do you truly want to be in business for yourself?
Or are you okay with being someone’s “yes man” forever?
Be honest with yourself about this.
If you think you DO have what it takes, then here’s an
internet marketing training platform that’s so simple.
CLICK >>>>>>>>> HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Stuart Ross
Who the heck?
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