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Mary Case Honey

Tel. 01983 740223

Mary Case has over 80 hives dotted around West Wight – a spread that means each batch of her honey has its own unique flavour. All the honey and honeycomb is sold at Newport’s farmers’ market, alongside beeswax candles, furniture polish and soap.

Bee Keeper
Mary keeps her hives mainly in the West Wight. Producing honey from different locations gives each batch its own unique flavour. Mary has both set and clear honey for sale along with cut comb and beeswax.

Newport market only.

Bee Keeper

Mary keeps her hives mainly in the West Wight; producing honey from different locations

gives each batch its own unique flavour. Mary has set and clear honey for sale and cut

comb and beeswax – by-products of honey production, are made into candles and

furniture polish. During the autumn there are apples for sale from Limerstone Farm orchard

and customers are welcome to try the different varieties. A recent diversification is the

growing of Globe Artichokes, which come with instructions on preparation and serving


Contact Mary Case
Tel 01983 740223
Email gcase90337@aol.com

Limerstone Farm
Isle of Wight
PO30 4AB

01983 740223

See Mary on the Hungry Sailors


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