Internet Marketing Strategy – Lichfield – Update using IME

Posted by Chris on July 23rd, 2012

When it comes to dominating the search results for Internet Marketing Strategy Lichfield the Internet Marketing Ecosystem ( IME ) is clearly working really well. A search on ” Internet Marketing Strategy Lichfield ” today shows that we have FREE ( natural ) listings for 5 of the results on the first page.

The M&A Rainmaker ( WordPress ) blog – this one – heads the listings. Followed by a Pinterest listing, a Digg listing and a Twylah listing. The Pinterest and Twylah listings mirror their growth in the Alexa rankings ( just read this morning that Pinterest is now the No 3 social network ). Despite Digg’s problems it remains a solid way to get a Google ranking and in my estimation is a key component of the IME.

My IME is now benefiting from years of continuous content updating and posting. Remember that in the IME the WordPress website/blog and the Twylah page are the ” core ” of the IME. Often ( but not always ) content is generated via this WordPress blog and then posted to Facebook, Twitter ( which automatically generates posts to Twylah ) , Linkedin, Google + and Digg. Posts to Twylah can be re-posted to Facebook, Linkedin, Google + and Digg ( to name a few ) if required.

In addition to building our networks on each of these social networking platforms we are also creating links from e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Twylah, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google+ and Digg back to the M&A Rainmaker WordPress blogsite.

Each of these systems are powerful in their own right but when combined in the Internet Marketing Ecosystem they are virtually unbeatable – as the Google search results show.

Remember that some of the keys to a high ranking website ( one that gets found for the searches that you want it to be found for ) is that it has relevant, continuously updated content; that it has on page SEO and that it has authoritative links from websites that are regarded as having authority. All of these criteria have been completely satisfied. Mostly though we have to make sure that our posts talk about the subject that we want to be found for in an appropriate way. Google ALWAYS tries to give searchers the results that they want.

Talking about individual performance on specific networks there have been some wonderful comments on Twitter lately from friends in the U.S.A. ( you will remember that a key part of my success with the IME has been knowledge of systems like Twylah and Pinterest – which eminate from the U.S. ).

Here’s a comment from Mike Martino

LICHFIELD England – Many great philosophers have come from the City of Lichfield yet none have mastered the art of  like Chris Windley.

who has been very kind and generous in his praise of my activity on Twitter.


Chris Windley is now a Six Figure Mentor. Find out how to get more traffic, visitors, leads, orders and CASH from your website. Turn your Internet presence from a liability into an ASSET !!! Click >>>>>>>>>>>>HERE <<<<<<<<<<<< for more information.



Klout is losing Kred and dropping down the Peer Index

Posted by Chris on July 22nd, 2012

Klout is a bit like Marmite – you either love it ( work with it ) or you hate it. My Klout was falling over the last few days despite my networks growing on Twitter, Facebook, Google + and Linkedin; despite masses of meaningful, productive engagement and despite my Kred and Peer Index scores INCREASING !!

I just checked my Klout score before writing this and suddenly it is going North ( up ) again which may ( at last ) be a reflection of what has been happening recently and a trend which Kred and Peer Index have more  accurately recorded.

While I was beginning to get annoyed with Klout’s failure to recognise what was actually happening in my networks I started seeing other people Tweeting that their Klout scores were falling ( inexplicably ) aswell.

Now, lots of people would say ” Why are you even bothered about what Klout says about you ? ” I happen to believe that some sort of
” Internet Influence ” score will be a factor going forward, especially for people who claim to be ” Social Media Experts “.  I really think that it is mainly here – in assessing the effectiveness of ” Social Media ” professionals – that Internet Influence scores matter – oh ! and also with brands effectiveness in promoting themselves via social media which is hopefully being done by social media professionals.

One of the dangers for Klout is that it is losing “Kredibility” amongst even it’s supporters. Another danger is that it is facing new competitors – for example Synthesio recently announced that it is ” Klout for Grownups ” – which is a clever pick-up on the fact that Klout is not ” professional ” enough for ” proper business “.

The fact that Synthesio combines it’s ” Internet Influence ” measurement with ” Social listening ” is also an interesting aspect and a massive danger for Klout.

The view that Klout is ” amateur ” and ” Geeks messing about ” is widespread already.

HubSpot talks about assessing social media professionals on the basis of ” D.A.R.C. ness ” ( Do they have a Digital Network ? Can they Analyse the effectiveness of their social media campaigns? Do they have Internet ” Reach “? Do they have ” Chops “?  i.e. some nouse when it comes to social media promotion .   ). This is the basis of assessing ” Internet Influence “.

Klout has got to start taking things seriously. Stop messing with it’s algorithm. Communicate with it’s users and engage with them or it is going to have no Kred at all and be bottom of the Peer Index !!!!

Mary Case Honey

Posted by Chris on July 22nd, 2012

Mary Case Honey

Tel. 01983 740223

Mary Case has over 80 hives dotted around West Wight – a spread that means each batch of her honey has its own unique flavour. All the honey and honeycomb is sold at Newport’s farmers’ market, alongside beeswax candles, furniture polish and soap.

Bee Keeper
Mary keeps her hives mainly in the West Wight. Producing honey from different locations gives each batch its own unique flavour. Mary has both set and clear honey for sale along with cut comb and beeswax.

Newport market only.

Bee Keeper

Mary keeps her hives mainly in the West Wight; producing honey from different locations

gives each batch its own unique flavour. Mary has set and clear honey for sale and cut

comb and beeswax – by-products of honey production, are made into candles and

furniture polish. During the autumn there are apples for sale from Limerstone Farm orchard

and customers are welcome to try the different varieties. A recent diversification is the

growing of Globe Artichokes, which come with instructions on preparation and serving


Contact Mary Case
Tel 01983 740223

Limerstone Farm
Isle of Wight
PO30 4AB

01983 740223

See Mary on the Hungry Sailors

royal spa shampoo london

Posted by Chris on July 11th, 2012

What Makes Royal Spa® Chamomile Shampoo Unique?

Enrich your hair with the botanical extracts of chamomile, aloe vera, cherry bark and more in this rich formula that gently cleanses away buildup. Unlike other shampoos, this formula is effective without stripping the hair of elements that help maintain moisture balance. The combination of ingredients in Royal Spa Chamomile Shampoo, which include extracts of aloe, chamomile, calendula, in addition to pro-vitamin B5 and wheat proteins, moisturizes and nourishes the hair. In addition, Royal Spa Chamomile Shampoo enhances the hair’s natural highlights, imparting an attractive sheen and enhancing the hair with flattering body.

What Makes Royal Spa® Ultra III Shampoo for Chemically Treated Hair Unique?

Renew your hair easily after the constant stress of chemical treatment and pollution with Royal Spa Ultra III Shampoo for Chemically Treated Hair. Cleanse, condition and detangle your color-treated hair in one easy step with this ultra-rich formula, which helps to counteract the breakage and stripping of moisture that often occurs with coloring your hair.  Royal Spa Ultra III Shampoo for Chemically Treated Hair contains a hand-picked combination of ingredients, including wheat amino acids, panthenol and hydrolyzed wheat protein that contribute to improve hair texture, and moisturization and conditioning of the hair cuticle.

Enriched with a blend of botanical extracts of evening primrose, heather, jasmine and orchid with vitamins A, D, E and panthenol (pro vitamin B5), Royal Spa Ultra III Shampoo for Chemically Treated Hair also quenches the scalp, encouraging healthy, manageable, glossy hair. Royal Spa Ultra III Shampoo for Chemically Treated Hair removes chemical processing odors, cigarette smoke and other unpleasant odors without compromising your hair color or relaxing your curl.

Royal Spa from Market United Kingdom

Royal Spa provides the luxury treatment that skin and hair deserve. Made with plant-based ingredients, the lavishness of Royal Spa products are exquisitely complemented by some of nature’s most revitalising elements, such as Aloe vera and chamomile. The extensive line is designed to address the most essential body care needs, with effective, gentle formulas that induce the relaxing experience of spa treatment.

The combination of quality and noticeable results places Royal Spa in a class of its own. Enhanced with vitamins, protein and natural botanical extracts, each product is diligently crafted to achieve superior results. Clean, silky and revitalised skin along with light and manageable, frizz-free hair with luminous texture are all part of what Royal Spa has to offer. Royal Spa improves the look, feel and health of hair and skin and delivers the satisfaction of pampering that everyone desires with mild, stimulating products with inviting fragrances.

To buy Royal Spa products please go to:

What can a small San Francisco startup do for London’s Hottest startups ??

Posted by Chris on July 10th, 2012

Well it depends who that startup is doesn’t it !! When Eric and Kelly Kim  – founders of San Francisco based Twylah found out about the Guardian’s list of the Hottest 20 East London startups   ( ) they immediately responded with Twylah pages for most of them.

Twylah pages are only given to those companies who fulfill a certain set of criteria. Mainly around the quality of the content produced ( on Twitter ) rather than numbers of followers or numbers of tweets.

What would a Twylah page do to help these startups ??? Well rather than go into great detail here this

is a great blog about Twylah and how it might help. For Pinterest users videos and blogs have been collected here

Of course there is a lot of controversy about ” Silicon Roundabout ” with some people saying that no such thing exists; some saying that the area has been a High Tech. area for years and years; some saying these companies are not proper ” High Tech. ” companies – they are ” Media ” development companies etc etc etc

Of course there is considerable controversy in San Francisco aswell – Rents are going through the roof; Talent is difficult to find in these ” boom times ” ( Startup’s must look beyond the U.S. to other countries like e.g. the U.K. , Spain, South America etc ) ; Investors are desperate to invest in the right startups.

Twylah has already become very popular amongst London based Twitter users and it might not be long before Twylah becomes a neighbour of some of the East London startups that it has just supported. Probably a good move then !!

Some of the East London based startups who received Twylah pages:

My blog needs a good f***ing sort out !!

Posted by Chris on July 8th, 2012

I get loads of comments on my M & A Rainmaker blog. ( ok lots of them are just link spammers – I know ). I read them all and I value them all ( well except the link spammers that write horrible, incomprehensible, inane things and then expect me to approve them ! ).

It has gone way beyond being a place where I wanted to write down my experiences of starting, building and selling companies. In the main it has become a place where my journey through Internet Marketing has been documented. This was a journey that started in the early 2000’s. It was a journey that was driven by a desire to understand how to get found on the Internet. My firm belief was that people would search for information about nearly everything on the Internet – and then, sometimes, they would actually buy. In other words whatever you sold you needed to have a presence on the Internet and you needed to be found for the services and products that you supplied.

Now there are many blogs posts on this website that are meant to be found for certain ( Google ) searches. For example if you search on
” Internet Marketing Strategy Lichfield ” you will find that a couple of blog posts from here rank at at the top and that further down there is a Pinterest link, a Digg link and then a Twylah link. Yes, some social networks will give you search results aswell !!

But I digress, this post was supposed to be about my blog needing a really good sort out.

Actually I think it is a mother beautiful blog. It was designed for me by Nikki Pilkington and I love the colour and the ” clean lines “. It is uncluttered by, well anything really.

What does it need though ??

Well there are a few things that I plan to add sometime:

1. I need links to all my Social Network pages. ( At the moment these are just on the ” Contact Page ” ).

2. I need you to be able to share all my blogs easily on your Social Network pages.

3. I need to put ” Call to Actions ” on my blog posts e.g. at the bottom of this one.

4. I need an email sign-up section ( but this assumes that I am then going to start emailing my email database ).

5. I am thinking about adding ” Skimlinks ” and have actually signed up for it and been approved.

I could put adverts on my blogsite – not sure if I will but I could.

6. I should have some sort of comment spam filter – at the moment I just approve or not comments.

Actually that’s about all I am thinking about.

( Maybe – mobile friendly ?? )

Yeah , I know I should have some pictures here aswell !!

If you have any thoughts then please let me know 🙂

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