Internet Marketing Strategy in Birmingham
Hi Tech News, Marketing, News January 26th, 2012When I researched what advice and guidance was being offered in Birmingham in respect of Internet Marketing Strategy I realised that it was sadly lacking in all respects. It was massively outdated when compared with the views of the worlds leading Internet Marketers who I spoke to on a regular basis. My experience in the high technology world over the last 20 odd years has taught me that to be up to date you HAVE to be aware of what is going on in the U.S. ( Note that most of the major influencers in the Internet and High Technology world – Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, eBay etc etc – have come from the U.S. ).
However not only was it outdated but it was over complicated ( probably because those people who were talking about Internet Marketing Strategies did not actually understand what was going on ) and not put in terms that could easily be understood by the senior management of Birmingham based business’s.
How difficult can it be to understand that building a website that cannot be found on the Internet ( for the things that you want it to be found for ) is a total waste of time and money ??
Is it really that hard to come to the conclusion that you need to understand what is happening to your existing website ( how often it is found; what people do when they find it etc etc ) so that you can judge whether the time, effort and money spent on Internet Marketing is actually producing a return ??
Whilst there are a lot of technical elements involved you don’t want to talk ” technically ” as a senior manager of a Birmingham based business you want to talk in simple, strategic terms about how you can drive the business forward.
I produced a series of ” Letters from Marketing ” for some of the senior management of the companies that I was helping
but have become convinced that Birmingham based businesses need more, up to date information and guidance on this topic of Internet Marketing Strategy and so I will be looking at additional ways of getting the message across in the near future.
January 26th, 2012 at 1:43 am
I recently gave some advice to leading edge Birmingham based law firm Pegasus LDP whi I felt should be appearing prominently in Google searches for the services that they provide e.g. they are national Consumer Law Experts based in Birmingham so I helped them to achieve Google dominance for the search term ” Consumer Law Experts in Birmingham ” within a few days.
Just Google this term or click on the link below:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=38e55e4d79186ada&biw=1440&bih=809
January 26th, 2012 at 2:30 pm
Please note that this post achieved a prominent place in Google searches based only on the ” power ” of the M & A Rainmaker blogsite. Whilst other people are paying to advertise ( Pay per click ) on the Google results our natural ( unpaid for ) listing is unpaid for ( other than by skill and time ). The Google results are pre bringing in the additional power of social media – which will happen soon.
October 11th, 2012 at 11:02 pm
Hey Chris
I am based in Birmingham and publish a fairly well read SEO blog over at and I am pretty active over at in the Q&A section.
There are actually several really big and up to date (hip) Internet Marketing companies with Distilled probably leading the charge as they partner with SEOMoz and now have offices in Seattle and New York in addition to their base in London.
Happy to help out with any SEO or Internet Marketing queries you may have so please just drop me a line if I can help ‘get the word out’.
October 13th, 2012 at 12:06 am
hey Marcus, Thanks for your comment my friend. That sound cool !! I will check your blog and Distilled. I know of SEOMoz. Thanks for your offer – please keep in touch. Regards, Chris.