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Somewhere special near the National Memorial Arboretum for Rooms Bed and Breakfast

As a former Royal Navy Officer ( Weapons Electrical Engineer ) and with my father and stepfather in the Royal Air Force and mum’s brothers in the Welsh Guards it seemed appropriate to be able to offer rooms, bed and breakfast to people attending the National Memorial Arboretum at St Leonards House ( http://www.st-leonards-house.co.uk/bedandbreakfast.html ).

As it happens the National Memorial Arboretum has been massively successful – if successful is the right word for a place of mourning.

St Leonards House is just across the A38 from the Arboretum, not quite walking distance – although you certainly could do it – but a very short car ride.

No doubt visitors to St Leonards House will also be interested in the information that we have about HMS Barham and the story of Harry Dooling, a stoker, second class whose mum worked at Wychnor Hall and who went down on the Barham at the tender age of 18 and who is buried in Wychnor Church next door.

There is a beautiful view from the Church yard over to Cannock Chase.

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