and Motives Team Help Beauty and Fashion Bloggers

Posted by Chris on October 1st, 2013

There are some amazing Beauty and Fashion bloggers online and they really work hard on building their followers on Social Media and driving traffic back to their blogs


I am working with a special team that wants to help bloggers – beginning with Beauty and Fashion bloggers – build their Online Presence and MONETISE their platforms


Loren Ridinger, Senior Vice President of Internet retailing giant and SHOP.COM, Creator of the award winning cosmetic line, Motives® by Loren Ridinger and the uber-luxurious skincare line, Cellular Laboratories™, and Founder of the exquisite jewelery collection, Loren Jewels® and the fine jewelery line, Yours by Loren® which is available exclusively through HSN, has an AMAZING Internet Presence.


Of course she has had a lot of help with it. She is  recognised as an Internet mogul who has been changing the face of the beauty industry as well as Internet shopping for the last 20 years.



There is a huge amount of Digital Marketing and Sales knowledge within Market America/United Kingdom and it’s brands such as and Motives. I am combining this with my team and I’s knowledge which – even taken alone is extensive.


We are going to help selected bloggers to ” Build their Online Presence ” as we call it. Essentially that means getting them more Social Media network followers, more traffic to their blogs and more MONETISATION opportunities.


Some of you may know me as co-founder of the Digital Marketing Ecosystem ( DME ) by Centripetal Network Consulting.  The DME is a system for getting anyone more TRAFFICVISITORS, LEADS and ORDERS ( CASH ).  Most of the bloggers I have spoken to clearly understand that increasing their Social Media networks and driving traffic from them back to their blogs is crucial.


Typically we see great blogs with beautiful, interesting posts on beauty and fashion topics. We see traffic counters to let people know ( up front ) just how big their networks are and how many people are visiting their blogs. This is wonderful to see. WordPress is a very popular blogging platform and it is the default platform for the DME. ( Other blog and web platforms work well – WordPress is just our focus ).


Sometimes the Social Media networks could do with some additional followers and in some cases there is a focus on one network over another. Clearly as a very visual subject Instagram and Pinterest are very popular with Fashion and Beauty bloggers. Facebook and Twitter are popular too.


Whilst e.g. Twitter combined with a WordPress blog will give a good traffic stream ( posts created on the blog and then posted on Twitter ) it is unlikely to be enough. Many sources of traffic need to be combined to get great results e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google + and of course SEARCH traffic  ( i.e. your blog being found on Google for relevant words and phrases ).




When you get the visitors back to your website you need them to TAKE ACTION and , preferably BUY SOMETHING.


We will offer you your personalised versions of the (  HERE’s mine )  and Motives ( MINE ) shopping portals so that you can lead visitors to great buying opportunities. ( I am not going to describe all the detail of the products here or the many ways that these portals integrate with your Online marketing strategy ).


We are going to help you build your own Digital Marketing Ecosystems and we are also going to add the power of our own DME’s to yours.






Our networks have hundreds of thousands of people in them from all around the world. If you contact me I will describe these networks in more detail to you.  Feel free to Google me and connect wherever we have common networks.


You can also skype me at chris.windley

You can Tweet me @cwindley

You can email me at

You can call or text my mobile +447881 500002.


Watch this Quick Video on How to Live the Laptop Lifestyle and divorce time from money








Get Found, Convert, Analyse

Posted by Chris on January 31st, 2010

or to put it slightly differently – the number of visitors to your website, the number of those visitors that participate in a call to action ( do something ) and the number of those people that become customers – THAT is the mantra of

They say that last year they had something like 2 million visitors to thier website of whom 160,000 participated in a call to action and of those about 1,000 became hubspot customers.

It’s a mantra that ALL businesses could do with keeping in mind.

Let’s have a look at this a bit more closely….

Getting Found/Getting Visitors

Hopefully most people now understand that being found by Google when someone types in your company name or a variation of it is a given – if that does not happen then you have not even left first base !! However your objective should be to be found for the products and services that you offer. Ideally you want to be on page 1 when someone searches for your key products and services. How easy or hard this is to do depends entirely on the competitiveness of the keywords and phrases that relate to your products and services.

 Getting found for what you have to offer is absolutely key.

Recently I have been having two in depth discussions with people that I am helping:

1.  Tell me the most important products and services that you want to sell ( List them all and then put them in order of priority ).

2. Tell me what keywords and phrases you think people will type in ( to Google ) to find your main products and services.

I don’t expect them to know every variation of keyword or phrase nor do I expect them to know how competitive ( how hard to rank high for ) those keywords and phrases are. I can find that out myself or with the assistance of my team.

The next thing that I tell them to do is to

3. Get Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools installed on thier website and to get access to it ( for which they will need a Googlemail email address ).

The reason for this is that we need a baseline ( a starting point ) to see the effect that we have on things like visitors, keywords, referrals, links etc etc

Understanding  what you want to promote and the keywords and phrases that relate to it  is the foundation of everything that you will do on the Internet to promote yourself and get more visitors to your website.

The basic key to a high ranking website is on page SEO ( keywords, titles,metatags – related to your keywords and phrases ) , frequently changing and updated, relevant content and lots of ( good ) inbound links.

In thier ” Getting Found ” section Hubspot highlight SEO, Blogs and Social Media. These are the basic areas to address to improve the visibility and ranking of your website:

– SEO your website ( titles,tags,content etc ) in accordance with your keywords and phrases.

– Establish ( seperate ) blogs

– Establish pages in social media ( Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Digg etc etc etc )

In doing so you will establish an ” ecosystem ” of related online media. You will establish a network of friends/followers/etc for your blog(s) and for each of your social networks and you will also connect them to your website and to you ( they may come to you about business direct from your blog or social media page or they may come to you via your website ).

It is difficult to describe just how powerful this set of interconnected networks is. Facilities like ” share ” and ” join ” enable you to share information posted in one place to all the other places and to invite your friends from one place to another place.

Anyway, by now it will be time to look at your analytics to see where the traffic and links are coming from and how many visitors you are getting now.

Once you have got visitor to your website you have got to get them to do something.


On the hubspot home page ( thier main landing page ) you will see a number of ” calls to action ” e.g. ” Try Hubspot free for 7 days ” or ” Download a free Inbound Marketing Kit “. To do this you will need to provide them with information about yourself . This might range from a name and email address to a more comprehensive list of details about you and your requirements.

Each one of these is a ” lead “. You have converted a visit to a lead. ( Well done ).

As Hubspot mention – you need to track and manage these leads – then you need to analyse them –  so many referrals to the website came from ?? and they eg downloaded a white paper and then they did ??


Analysis would include online and offline analysis. You want to analyse how well your marketing is doing; look at your competitive analysis ( how well are you doing relative to your competitors ) and also look at the quality of the leads. You should ensure that everyone in the company asks where leads came from – and not just ” from the Internet ” – you want to know whereabouts on the Internet !

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