Which HubSpot partners in the U.K. will achieve a high ranking position in Google searches ??
HubSpot partners in the U.K. should now consider the Six Figure Mentors system being promoted via the Digital Experts Academy global network
I am finding it quite interesting watching old and new HubSpot partners fighting for a top ranking position in a ” HubSpot U.K. ” or ” HubSpot in the U.K. ” Google.
As HubSpot expands it’s business globally beyond the U.S. getting more direct customers and partners, the HubSpot partners themselves are making a ” land grab ” for prominence.
How are they doing this ??
STOP PRESS !!! January 2013 – The Internet Marketing Ecosystem ( mentioned below ) has now been incorporated into Centripetal Network Consultings’ Digital Marketing Ecosystem. Watch this video >>>> HERE <<<< to see how a system that provides all of the functionality of a HubSpot system at a much lower cost has evolved over the last couple of years.
The first three organic search positions are, perhaps unsurprisingly, held by HubSpot themselves with posts on the inbound.org site
and posts on the HubSpot.com website.

The comes StrangePR.com for the next couple of entries who, typically for a PR company, reckon that they are HubSpot’s ( only ) U.K. partner. A quick look at ” Page Source ” for their website pages shows that Titles and Metatags reflect the content and that ” HubSpot ” and ” U.K. ” are liberally scattered throughout the content, titles and metatags.
Next comes Advanced Marketing Concept’s Blog page
Admarco appears to have a presence in the U.S. ( San Francisco Bay Area. ) and the U.K.
The next entry is from Wired Magazine and promotes HubSpot itself rather than a partner.
Then you have the HubSpot User Group post from GMIG
I understand that someone at HubSpot made a conscious decision to allow this new partner to set up a U.K. HubSpot User Group. It’s a great way to get prominence !
The actual user group is on Linkedin:
Next we have a Slideshare presentation from Kpi Insight Consulting
and then a TrafficTroop ( Ireland ) website entry
to finish off Page 1 of Google.
On Page 2 of the search for ” HubSpot U.K. ” you have GMIG again and then Strong Marketing’s entry:
and then…….. ooooh ! it’s me 😉 – posting here on the M&A Rainmaker blogsite.
So lets stop there shall we – except for a quick comment that it is rather dissapointing ( at least to me ) to see a HubSpot U.K. partner paying for Pay per Click in order to provide discounted HubSpot pricing !! Really ???? Already ???
We can assume that the websites and blogsites being used have a relatively high Google rank which is giving them thier ” authority “.
So congratulations to those HubSpot U.K. partners who are ranking high and good luck for the future !!
Note: February 2012
This blog continues to rank high for searches on ” HubSpot U.K. ” and ” HubSpot Partners U.K. ” which shows the power of a WordPress based blog. It looks to me like there is going to be a big fight soon between HubSpot and WordPress based alternatives – if this is not already happening. HubSpot appears to have moved it’s focus upmarket by increasing the minimum monthly fee and this will increase the opportunity for WordPress based options. For U.K. customers HubSpot’s service appears to be taking a dive. Watch this space.

Note: January 2013
After putting development effort into the ” Internet Marketing Ecosystem ” last year we adopted the Six Figure Mentors WordPress based Digital Marketing System in August/September of 2012 . More information can be obtained on this by going to my WordPress based personal website >>>>HERE <<<<. The S.F.M. Digital Marketing System is being promoted globally by the Digital Experts Academy.
Potential HubSpot partners in the U.K. may also like to consider the S.F.M. / D.E.A. system as an alternative.
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