HubSpot Inbound Marketing Conference London 2012

Posted by Chris on November 6th, 2012

Today sees the start of HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing Conference in the Congress Centre in Central London. In January 2013 HubSpot will open it’s first European offices in Dublin – a location which I recommended to HubSpot.

HubSpot was founded in 2006 to address a problem that the founders saw as follows ” That traditional marketing was broken and that the tools needed to do inbound marketing were too complex and disconnected ” .

HubSpot’s name has become synonymous with ” Inbound Marketing ” which is a ” meme ” that it is credited with starting.

I am a massive fan of HubSpot’s but I am actually more of a fan of what HubSpot seeks to achieve for it’s clients. ( HubSpot’s revenue from it’s clients was about $28.5 Million in 2011 ). HubSpot has a ” mantra ” which is ” Get FOUND ” ( for relevant words and phrases in Google and other search engines ) , CONVERT ( traffic and website visitors to leads and customers ) and ANALYSE how you did it.

If you are, like me, a former salesperson ( are we ever former ?? ) sales manager and sales director these three words make it look possible that you can apply offline sales and sales management techniques to online ( digital ) marketing and sales.

In an offline world ( the old world ?? ) success for a salesperson is about building up a prospect list and then nurturing and qualifying that list – through the sales funnel – from prospect to qualified opportunity. Many of us use a percentage qualification system to show the difference between a vague prospect ( 5-10% ) and an increasingly qualified opportunity ( 40% might mean we have visited, 60% – we have put in a proposal that meets the needs, 80 % – we are pretty sure that we are going to get the order, 100% we got it and the money is in the bank ).

We can predict for our Board the amount of orders and revenue that we, as a Sales team are going to bring in. Order Value times Percentage Likelihood equals Actual Order Amount that will be realised. We can also monitor the progress of our sales team and look at sales campaigns that worked and ones that didn’t. We can try and learn from these and do it the way that works going forward.

How did we get our prospects in the first place ?? Actually, we create lists. We know what we have to sell. We know the people that are likely to buy and we find them, contact them ( in some way ) and then nurture them until they buy from us. We sort and prioritise these lists. We put the ones that look like they are likely to buy at the top of the list and we concentrate on closing those deals first.

When HubSpot said that traditional Marketing was broken it actually meant that traditional Marketing and Sales was broken. They were building on the idea that ” PUSH marketing ” ( Advertising, Cold Calling, Mailshots etc ) was failing and that ” PULL marketing ” ( Being found in Google, having your White Paper downloaded, giving training in a webinar etc )  was the way forward.

In sales this is very similar to the idea that you don’t sell ( successfully ) by the ” Hard sell ” you sell more effectively by understanding what people’s needs are and meeting those needs in an empathetic way. ( Telling is NOT selling ).

HubSpot was also correct that the tools required to do ” Inbound Marketing ” ( Predominantly Internet based marketing ) were too complex and disconnected.

Actually in 2007 Stuart Ross ( Founder of the Six Figure Mentors ) was following an Internet Marketing strategy put forward by Jay Kubassek ( Founder of PRO U ) in around 2004. Stuart often describes his Internet Marketing Strategy as basically ” Build a LIST, sell something and then sell something else “. 

Sound too simple ???

Well it is spookily like the ” old, traditional way of selling ” isn’t it ??

Except that it has been adapted for the Internet.

Building on what Jay had started Stuart created a system that was even simpler and more connected than HubSpot’s.

Between them Stuart and Jay will drive more revenue than HubSpot with a system that is more suitable for solopreneurs ( Home based entrepreneurs ) and Small and Medium Sized businesses.

If you would like to find out more about Stuart and Jay’s system please go

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Where you will be able to access a FREE 7 DAY ONLINE MARKETING BOOTCAMP.



STOP PRESS !!! January 2013 – The Internet Marketing Ecosystem ( mentioned below ) has now been incorporated into Centripetal Network Consultings’ Digital Marketing Ecosystem. Watch this video >>>> HERE <<<< to see how a system that provides all of the functionality of a HubSpot system at a much lower cost has evolved over the last couple of years.

Six Figure Mentors Digital Marketing Mentors Staffordshire

Posted by Chris on October 25th, 2012


Six Figure Mentors Staffordshire


Internet Business Opportunity – Lichfield,Tamworth,Sutton Coldfield, Walsall, Burton on Trent, Derby.

Hello and welcome to my Six Figure Mentors website. The Six Figure Mentors are a team of people who work with Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek
( two of the most successful Internet Marketers in the world )  to help individuals and businesses understand how to actually get visitors, leads, orders and cash using Internet Marketing.

I became a Six Figure Mentor after researching for many years the most effective way to do business online. I used various Internet Marketing methods, systems and software to help my clients and the businesses that I invested in but it was only when I found the Six Figure Mentors that I really felt that I had the right system for entrepreneurs, small and medium sized businesses.

What you will learn from the Six Figure Mentors community will change your perspective and your life. Many Six Figure Mentors are experienced Internet Marketers who could not, until they met Stuart, put all the pieces of the jigsaw together in a way that consistently produced income for themselves and their clients. They are special people because they were open minded enough to realise that there was a better and more effective way of working.

Read on and start your journey toward achieving a Six Figure Income………..

P.S. If you already KNOW ME, LIKE ME and TRUST ME and you want to get straight on with it go HERE

“Don’t Waste Another Minute On Useless Internet Business Opportunity Advice!”

On This Page, We’re Going To Show You How To Quickly and Easily Get Started Earning Money from a fast growing profitable market…

…WITHOUT, Any previous training, knowledge or even your own products to sell!


Are you still struggling to get started earning money online?

Are you desperate — and ready to give up — because no matter what you try, or how hard you work to earn more money, you still take two GIANT steps backward for every step forward?

Imagine how much better your life would be if you were finally able to enjoy the same financial freedom other entrepreneurs are having. Or wake up in the morning knowing you NEVER had to worry about paying the rent or the utility bills ever again.

Even better, think what it would be like to no longer feel like a failure, just because you can’t seem to get the momentum to start earning money, no matter what you try.

Sound like a dream? It doesn’t have to be…

Let us help you quickly and easily get started with a plan that likely defies everything you currently THINK you know about online businesses!


And you don’t have to give up your current job just yet and here’s exactly why

Any business starting requires a few things to get started, seed money, products and customers…


Seed money – my best advice is to start from the ground up, you can work part time whilst starting your online business, this will give you the seed money that is needed to get things started…And it doesn’t have to be long till you go full time online!

Products – This opportunity will give you all you ever need to start earning money…

It can’t get any simpler than this…

All you have to do is refer people who want to learn how to build a legitimate, profitable and recession proof online business.

There is a fantastic earning potential, you earn up to $1000 per sale and you can literally start earning as you are learning to become a successful Internet entrepreneur yourself!

Customers – We’ll train you to find leads and convert them into customers and raving fans!



  • How to generate as many leads as you can shake a stick at using your very own ready-made personal website
  • No boss, no time keeping –You run your own business from day one exactly how you want
  • Absolutely no tie in or contract – Stay as long as you want (when you start getting loads of commissions, I’m sure you’ll stay ;-)
  • Comprehensive coaching and guidance from experts who earn 7 figures!
  • Ongoing live support and training – You’ll never be on your own.
  • You receive up to 100% commissions – No middle person taking 90% of your hard earned money.
  • No previous experience required – All the training you’ll ever need in one place


For every referral you introduce you will get paid a referral fee (affiliate commission) this could be anything from $10 – $1000 per sale! Where else can you get this sort of commission?



You could work from anywhere in the world (all I use is my laptop) and the best part is you don’t have to close any sales yourself, that is handled by professional business consultants or automated sales systems using the latest technology. Any referrals received from you will be passed directly to the consultants to begin working the lead immediately, you just have to send the inquiries and the rest is handled for you!


The current recessionary climate and increasing unemployment levels mean millions of people are rapidly waking up to the fact that they need to take control of their future.

Because this company effectively teaches people how to start a profitable online business with low overheads, more and more people are turning to them for guidance on how to get started online.

This ever increasing demand means that, whether there’s a recession or a booming economy, it’s always a profitable time to be involved in the Internet entrepreneur and home business seeking market.



There are a few steps that you can take (starting right now) to put yourself in a position to make money online selling something to people who are searching for it.

Sounds simple?

YES of course it is…

I am going to grant you access to a great FREE online marketing course that thousands of people use to get started. The course is called “The SFM Marketing Bootcamp” and is completely and utterly free. All I need is your name and email address so I can send you instant access to the first video immediately.

Getting the course is easy…Just Click>>>>>>>>>> HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<


Community makes Six Figure Mentors stand out from the rest

Posted by Chris on October 2nd, 2012

I have been and am, a member of many online communities ( too many too mention ! ) but the Six Figure Mentors stands out above even the best. I know that at the moment the Six Figure Mentors team are struggling to keep up with the number of people joining – globally. Stuart Ross is flying all around the world establishing new communities.

I have said it before but I think that it is worth repeating that my objective has been to find an Internet Marketing System that REALLY generates leads and orders. People who follow me know that I am a massive HubSpot fan and that I developed the Internet Marketing Ecosystem to help my clients improve their Internet Presence, ability to rank for selected keywords and phrases and rate of conversion from visitor to customer. HubSpot’s mantra is ” Get Found, Convert, Analyse ” one of Stuart’s mantra’s is ” Build a List, Sell something and sell something else ” – see that sort of simple, direct objective appeals to me !!

When you review the best digital marketers and web and blogsites in the world you see that  Listbuilding ( the collection of an opted in list of email addresses ) is key as is the nurturing and collection of that list. An email list always has a value but some are more valuable than others.

Click free report in this Call to Action here

and you are on an email list.

Click ” Learn More ” below

and you are on an email list.

Click ” Download Now ” on this HubSpot Call to Action

and you are on an email list.

I think you get the message ??

But I digress because I wanted to talk about the Six Figure Mentors Community..

When I paid my $20 I got what Stuart said I would ……. MASSIVE VALUE !!

I got confirmation of everything I believed in. ( regarding Internet Marketing ).

I was also on the email list !!! ( Actually I was on a couple !! )

I got  autoresponder emails – one a day – from Stuart. I also got emails from Martyn Hickey.

There was a lot of information to take in but it was all good.

After some time in the Six Figure Mentors Community Website ( access requires a monthly subscription ) Martyn Hickey introduced me to Stuart Chalmers – an Ordinary but very special guy.

I just want to feature Stuart’s personal website here

by way of a thank you for everything that he has done to help.

Note that Stuart’s ( WordPress ) website has everything you need on a lead generating website – Call to Action’s, Email Opt-In’s, Blog, Social Media joins and shares.

The Community spirit shown by Martyn and Stuart makes Six Figure Mentors tower above other Digital Marketing Mentoring System’s.

TEST OUT THE SIX FIGURE MENTORS here FREE and no obligation !!

Chris Windley’s Daily Mail Interview on Digital Death

Posted by Chris on October 2nd, 2012

Chris Windley, Digital Marketing Expert and Managing Partner at the Silicon Crossroads Technopolis in Lichfield, Staffordshire spoke to the Daily Mail about Digital Death and why he is waiting for the official launch of My Digital Executor and NOT death !!

The impact of a Digital Death is entirely dependent on how involved someone is in the digital world and what the consequences of disconnection or interruption to their system would be. There are people who have maybe, a Linkedin or a Facebook account and use the Internet for browsing and for email. There are 2 or 3 passwords and usernames involved in that.

Now imagine that you were Stuart Ross ( see below ) , Founder of the Six Figure Mentors and someone who earns $100’s of thousands  a month through the Internet

Find Stuart at :

using various tools such as web and blogsites, social media sites, Google pay per Click, Facebook adverts, emailing lists, autoresponders etc etc etc. I don’t know how many usernames and passwords he has but it’s a lot !! I would say that nobody would understand  how Stuart made his money except that he has been discussing and sharing his techniques with his ” inner circle ” and with Six Figure Mentor members so there are actually quite a few people now who understand what he is doing. Previously only Stuart’s mentors would have understood what he is doing – his parents and brothers and sisters certainly don’t !!

There is a sort of no-man’s land between the casual user and a ” proper ” Internet based business. People that run eBay shops or small ecommerce sites; bloggers with lots of followers and advertising revenues being generated from their sites. It is highly unlikely that anyone un other than them understand how the system works.

Typically the sites that they use eBay, Facebook, PayPal, Google etc etc are based in the U.S. and they have their own views on what happens when someone dies.

When a Facebook user dies anyone ( yes anyone !! ) can shut down the account given that they have proof of death. So, imagine this – Stuart

( God forbid ) dies and the news gets around. One of his competitors hears about this, knows that a lot of Stuart’s income is dependent on Facebook ( adverts ) , provides proof of death to Facebook and gets the account shut down. Probably nobody ( the relatives or the lawyers involved ) has any conception that this is an important part of the income generating system.

What redress does the estate have against the person who shut it down or Facebook ?? None !!

Graham Ross ( below ), Founder of My Digital Executor, decided that this was just unacceptable.

Here’s what Graham says on his website ……

Have you ever worried about what would happen to your email, tweets, blogs, domains,  affiliate sales accounts, created/collected music, photographs, websites, designs, virtual world items, online account balances, online revenue streams and even operational online businesses when you log off for that final time? Probably be lost forever or, worse,  be taken over by those unauthorised by you, putting your money, data and creative property at risk. Read articles on the problem from The New York Times and The Guardian.

Let us put your mind at rest

Our straight forward and simple protocol ensures that your accounts and assets will be handled fully in accordance with your wishes. We provide a form on which you set out, and update, your wishes. We then refer you to a solicitor who will help you ensure those wishes are legally honoured (you are not committed to any further costs beyond your membership of this service).

Writing an informal note of your wishes has no effect

You may think that informally appointing someone to take over a digital asset on your death is the answer but it will have no legal effect. Equally of no legal effect are services that store your passwords and last wishes like and Legacy Locker specifically warns by email  those you seek to appoint that ‘it is not legally binding’ because ‘ownership of any electronic rights related to the internet such as intellectual property, domain names, or marketing affiliation agreements, cannot be granted or transferred through Legacy Locker’.  This is because the law dictates who is entitled to your assets, including your digitalassets, and the only way to impose your wish above the law is through a Will, or Codicil to a Will. A friend who acts, albeit innocently, on your informal wishes can be sued by the next of kin entitled to your estate. We  ensure you are able to make such wishes binding and effective after you pass away.

We protect your passwords but do not hold them

Whilst we ensure your estate has lawful and effective access to your online accounts after your death, we do not hold your passwords.

What if I just ignore the problem

If you want to learn about the problems with what would happen on your death with some of the more popular internet services, then see our page called ‘How Websites Deal With Your Death’.

For more information call Graham on:

MD Executor Ltd

A company registered in England under registration number 08226375

Registered Office:-

47 Rodney St


L1 9EW

Telephone:  0845 0573719

Fax: 0870 130 3337


Silicon Crossroads Technopolis helps HubSpot inbound to Ireland.

Posted by Chris on October 1st, 2012

The Silicon Crossroads Technopolis based in Lichfield, Staffordshire, England has helped Inbound Marketing Megastars HubSpot decide on Dublin,Ireland as the location for their European Headquarters. The official announcement from Hubspot is here. Chris Windley, Managing Partner of the Silicon Crossroads Technopolis and of the Silicon Crossroads V.C.T. ( Just voted #100 of 1000 Tech. Investors globally by PeekIndex – full story here ) said ” Some time ago HubSpot asked our opinion on where they should base their European Headquarters – we highlighted as possibilities London, Lichfield itself  and Dublin, Ireland.”

The story of that early conversation with HubSpot is here . ” Whilst we would have been proud to welcome HubSpot to Lichfield and perhaps even the Technopolis itself, we are delighted that HubSpot decided on one of our recommendations. ” Chris said.

As highlighted in our early conversation above there are some compelling reasons why U.S. companies should base themselves in Dublin, Ireland . In all likelihood this will be followed by sales offices in Benelux and London. This is a well worn path that e.g. Google, Twitter and Facebook have followed.

You have to admire the Irish and Irish ( Inward Development Agency ) I.D.A. for the way that they have positioned ” brand Ireland ” and for the way that they handled this opportunity. There are many places where HubSpot could have based it’s European Headquarters but it chose Dublin, Ireland.

Chris said ” I have contacts within the Irish I.D.A. and they have a Boston office which has been communicating with HubSpot for a number of years . The Boston team of the Irish I.D.A. obviously did a good job in presenting the case to HubSpot “.

To me this just emphasises what we have said elsewhere – there is an unstoppable flow of fully funded companies coming from the U.S. to Europe and other countries. This is particularly true of High Tech and software companies.

4 years ago HubSpot was a small Boston based software startup. Today it is one of the fastest growing SaaS companies in the world. Probably second only to

When HubSpot received further funding earlier on in the year and investment from e.g. Google and Salesforce it was almost inevitable that they would open a European Headquarters soon. Around 300 companies in Europe are HubSpot customers but this is not enough. HubSpot needed a European base to compete against WordPress based competitors and new startup – The Six Figure Mentors – which is rapidly expanding across the globe from the U.K.


FREE 7 Day Digital Marketing Bootcamp at


STOP PRESS !!! January 2013 – The Internet Marketing Ecosystem ( mentioned below ) has now been incorporated into Centripetal Network Consultings’ Digital Marketing Ecosystem. Watch this video >>>> HERE <<<< to see how a system that provides all of the functionality of a HubSpot system at a much lower cost has evolved over the last couple of years.

Silicon Crossroads V.C.T. is #100 of top 1000 Tech. Investors Globally

Posted by Chris on September 30th, 2012

The Silicon Crossroads V.C.T. headed by Chris Windley is now regarded as being in the top 100 of tech investors in the world. The list is here as compiled by Peek Analytics.

” PeekAnalytics is an enterprise-class social audience measurement platform that provides rich consumer insights to marketers allowing them to better identify and qualify social audiences. What Nielsen® did for television and radio audiences and ComScore® did for web traffic audiences – PeekAnalytics does for social audiences.

This list of the top 1000 technology investors on Twitter is ranked by one of PeekAnalytics’s key metrics – what we call the Pull Quotient (PQ) is a good measure of how influential any given Twitter audience is, compared to the average Twitter account – 1x is average, 2x is twice as much as average, and so on. Influence, for the purposes of this calculation, is gauged by how well connected someone’s Twitter followers are not just on Twitter, but across sixty social sites, compared to the average consumer. “

PeekAnalytics: Overview

About PeekAnalytics

PeekAnalytics is an enterprise-class social audience measurement platform that provides rich consumer insights to marketers allowing them to better identify and qualify social audiences, and target content to create highly converting social initiatives. What Nielsen® did for television and radio audiences and ComScore® did for web traffic audiences – PeekAnalytics does for social audiences.

About PeekAnalytics Technology

The platform is powered by a patented search and identity resolution technology that maps an individual’s social digital footprint by standardizing disparate public content from over sixty (60) social sites and blog platforms into a single, streamlined social identity. These robust social identities are aggregated and analyzed to create the PeekAnalytics Social Audience Report.

Social Audience Reports

PeekAnalytics Social Audience Reports will change the way you view “Social Analytics.” You will no longer be limited to simply counting mentions, tweets and followers. Our platform provides demographic and psychographic insights for both your passive and active social audience to provide actionable data-driven insights. Click here to check out some demo reports.

What Social Audiences Can I Measure?

PeekAnalytics currently measures Twitter audiences. Reports can be generated for the following:

  • Followers – audience that follows a specific Twitter account.
  • Following – people a specific account follows
  • Shares – measure the audience mentioning keywords hash-tags and @usernames.
  • Trending topics – measure the audience pushing up a trending topic.
  • URLs – measure the audience sharing content from a specific site or viral YouTube clip.

PeekAnalytics is Perfect For:

PeekAnalytics currently measures Twitter audiences. Reports can be generated for the following:

  • Advertisers/Brands – Incredibly detailed insights including demographics and psychographics of both your active and passive social audience. Drill deep into individual level consumer data with the PeekAnalytics API.
  • Publishers – Arm your sales teams with deep social audience demographics and psychographics by analyzing visitors sharing content from your site. Prove to advertisers how powerful your social audience actually is.
  • Agencies – Use audience analysis to plan, measure and report the social effect of your campaigns for clients. Engage your client’s influencers based on their audience makeup, rather than just an engagement score.
  • Media Buyers – Understand and benchmark online engagement for offline media like TV and Movies. Enhance your digital spend by targeting the social audience responding to your viral content.
  • Research Teams – Why spend hours behind a social media monitoring platforms when you could just simply have the key insights delivered to your inbox.

To learn more about PeekAnalytics email info [at]

PeekAnalytics Solutions

PeekAnalytics – Social Audience Report Dashboard

Let our platform do the heavy lifting: automate and schedule PeekAnalytics Social Audience Reports for your brand, competitors and industry. Stop spending hours analyzing and monitoring.

Social Audience Reports include the following insights:

  • Social Use: Identify social affiliations, activities, and network size.
  • Demographics: Get statistically relevant age and gender breakdowns.
  • Geographic: See city, state, and country level data.
  • Interests: Discover audience affinities within 25 different categories.
  • Career: Uncover in which industries your audience works.
  • Income: Find out your audiences’ purchasing power.
  • Education: Know what type of schools your audience attended.
  • Pull: Measure how well connected a person or brand is on the Internet.

Open API Access

PeekAnalytics – Social Consumer API

Leverage PeekYou’s API search technology to return publicly available information on your social fans and target customers. The API provides insights on; audience type, name, age range, gender, location, interest, career and school related tags, bios, associated public URLs and profiles and PeekYou’s Sociability, Network, and Reach Scores.

PeekAnalytics – Social Analytics API

Have your developers leverage an anonymized version of PeekAnalytics API search technology to return publicly available information on your social fans and target customers. The API provides insights on; audience type, age range, gender, location, interest, career and school related insights, what social sites or activities the uses has and PeekAnalytics Sociability, Network, and Reach Scores.


“PeekAnalytics takes big data and makes it understandable and actionable. Whether it’s comparing Twitter accounts or hashtags, or modeling influence within particular audience segments, PeekYou is hell bent on making Twitter data useful for business.” – Jay Baer, President, Convince & Convert, @JayBaer

“I think PeekAnalytics represents one of the most interesting, and potentially most valuable, innovations in social media measurement I’ve yet come across. Their thinking is remarkable and the value they offer to organizations trying to understand how to better connect with their audiences is genuinely important.” – Michael O’Connor Clarke – Vice President, MediaProfile, @michaelocc

“The best social media monitoring tool I’ve tested” – BL Ochman, AdAge, @Whatsnext

“Few companies are as equipped to meaningfully collect and assemble the scattered pieces of our public personas as PeekAnalytics. Not only has PeekYou been in the forefront of squaring the circle of our ever evolving online identities (while doing so in a fair and honest way), but they continue to stay ahead of the curve with Peek Analytics, a soon to be introduced means to chart online audiences that companies and individuals can use to enrich their own data” – Marshall Sponder, @webmetricsGuru

“How do you measure influence? That’s a question on the minds of many communicators. PeekYou Analytics goes beyond badges, gifts and the numbers game to present a detailed examination of your followers, who they are, where they’re from, what they’re interested in and how you influence them. The data is specific, comprehensive and gives you a more complete picture of a user’s network and their ability to engage.” – Martin Waxman, Senior Counselor, Thornley Fallis, @MartinWaxman

“Social analytics: @klout is pecking order, @PeerIndex is stability and@peekyou (PeekAnalytics) is, well, mind-blowing.“– Jay Palter, Social Media Consultant, @JayPalter

“Interesting, just got a report from @PeekAnalytics on my twitter followers, great market data. Very powerful for businesses.” – Jeremiah Owyang, Industry Analyst, Altimeter Group, @jowyang

“PeekYou Analytic is powerful tool that help discover brands the Social Consumer Insights of their network. – Jure KLEPIC, Social Media Consultant, @jkcallas

“Amazing social audience reports” – Jeremy Goldman, Digital Strategist, @jeremarketer

PeekAnalytics FAQ

Why should I care about my “passive audience”?

PeekAnalytics does not weigh highly what the market tends to call ‘activity’ metrics (tweet count, last tweet, follower vs. following ratio, etc.) in our algorithm. We know spambots can tweet, a lot in fact, and some humans prefer to just listen. Your passive audience may not be active tweeters but they are still visiting your web site, reading your e-mail marketing messages, clicking on your brand’s links and banners, and ultimately giving you their business.

Why do you leave out some of audience?

Our technology requires a certain amount of information to match up someone’s digital footprint. If a user takes steps to be anonymous then there is no data to report back to you. The PeekAnalytics product team determined that it is more beneficial to see a comprehensive view of fully identified consumers, even if it is a smaller group, rather than share inconclusive or unreliable data in the report.

What about Privacy?

PeekAnalytics search technology respects consumer privacy and platform TOS by strictly indexing public web information only. We can only see what Google can see; we just see it a little differently. Traditional search engines calculate the likelihood of any URL being associated with a keyword; PeekAnalytics calculates the likelihood of any URL being associated with an individual.

How is Pull different from Klout or Kred?

Social Pull is not a measure of a single individual’s “influence;” rather, it is an audience-based metric that is a direct reflection of the quality and size of the Twitter audience that has been “pulled” into following an account or mentioning a keyword @name, hashtag, or URL on Twitter. Pull’s “quality” is based on the level of transparency (around identity – explained below), social participation (number of profiles and amount of content produced) and of course the combined reach of the identified audience, as compared to the average social audience. In calculating a Pull score, we value quality above mere quantity and include active and passive audience members. The more transparent, active and connected the social audience, the larger the social Pull. Thus, a score of “10x” means the audience in question has 10 times more reach (and potentially influence) than the average audience.

Why Transparency?

To really get down to the core, consumer audience, we remove the noise, junk, and spam through a patented identity resolution process that looks for over thirty (30) metrics, including name, username, location, additional social profiles, public content such as self-published bios, presence of a profile picture and the social graph of the user. In some cases we do not include a profile simply because there is not enough information to sufficiently ascertain an online identity. This group includes anonymous accounts, fun accounts, and some spam accounts.

Audience vs. Action?

Kred, Twitalyzer, Klout, and the like, focus on engagement like Twitter comments, retweets, @replies and mentions in an effort to score someone’s ability to create “action.” PeekAnalytics has no plan to become a consumer facing play, as we are focused on providing actionable demographic and psychographic data-driven audience insights to marketers. As an example of how we are different, brands like Coca-Cola don’t want to reach “soda influencers;” rather, they want to reach a target audience such as Males interested in Music, Travel and Sport ages 18-25. PeekAnalytics can help them find that audience.

To learn more about PeekAnalytics email info [at]

Don’t join Stuart Ross’s Six Figure Mentors !!!!!

Posted by Chris on September 29th, 2012
Stuart Ross of the Six Figure Mentors says:
I’ve said it before… I’ll say it again:
Not everyone should be an entrepreneur.
There’s a certain mindset you must have in order to succeed in
business (any kind of business).  And people who lack this
mindset are always better off accepting it and staying as far
away from the whacky “roller coaster” ride of
entrepreneurship as possible.
They’re liable to get themselves hurt, otherwise.
Both financially AND emotionally.
And you know what?
This is especially true for people seeking SFM:
( Find out more about SFM >>>>>>>>> HERE <<<<<<<<<<<< )
If you’re not really serious about being your own boss,
controlling your income, and building lasting wealth, then
please do not even bother to complete your application.
If you’re more interested in security than freedom, keep your
job. And if you’re someone who wants to be taken care of by
other people (like the government, for example) and not do
any kind of work or productive activity, then don’t even
waste your time (or ours).
The business world is NOT for everyone.
And SFM is definitely not for everyone, either.
In fact, we have even had to turn members away.
This isn’t because we’re snobs or anything.
We just know (after dealing with hundreds of members) what
kind of person is likely to succeed and what kind is likely
to “choke.”
The point?
I DO want to encourage people to take the application.
But only if you think you have the right stuff to succeed.
Education level doesn’t matter…
Your current experience doesn’t matter.
And neither does your age, social status, occupation, background,
or technological skills (I could barely check my email when
starting business).
What matters is your mindset.
Do you truly want to be in business for yourself?
Or are you okay with being someone’s “yes man” forever?
Be honest with yourself about this.
If you think you DO have what it takes, then here’s an
internet marketing training platform that’s so simple.
CLICK >>>>>>>>> HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Stuart Ross
Who the heck?

Stuart Ross – Six Figure Mentors – my opinion so far ….

Posted by Chris on September 19th, 2012

I came across Stuart Ross of the Six Figure Mentors about a week ago when I randomly clicked on one of his Facebook adverts. ( I hardly ever click on Facebook ads but it looked interesting ). It didn’t take me long to find a video interview that Thomas Power ( co-founder of ) did with Stuart.

As I ” Know, Like and Trust ” Thomas ( & Penny ) Power I quickly signed up for the initial offer here ..

Step #1

Scroll down and you’ll see our secure online payments form to get started…

The application fee is only $19.95 and don’t worry you wont risk a single penny as it’s 100% refundable within 30 days if you decide this is not for you (or if we determine you’re simply not the right person for us) then just let us know and your $19.95 will be refunded immediately.

I am very glad I did !!!

People who follow me will know that I am a massive fan of HubSpot and that I have been promoting what I call the Internet Marketing Ecosystem here for some time. Actually, I am about to launch a WordPress website which describes the Internet Marketing Ecosystem in more detail.

I have been working my way through Stuart Ross’s video course ( which I gained access to when I paid my $20 ) and also Stuart has been emailing me every day ( well, his automated system’s have 😉 with new video’s and information.

I have also had a telephone call ( skype ) with Martyn Hickey, who is one of Stuart’s team. I booked this through the Six Figure Mentor website for last Monday. Frankly it was too early to talk because I was working diligently through the information that I had already got and was getting every day. I simply said the truth – that this was the best $20 I had spent in years !!! I really mean this.

I am going to explain why it was so valuable and useful shortly but before I do let us digress…..

When I first saw HubSpot a couple of years ago it was a revelation to me. I think they have been going for about 3 or 4 years now and HubSpot is the 2nd fastest SaaS company in the U.S. – next to HubSpot’s mantra ” Get FOUND, CONVERT and ANALYSE ” is, as I like to say now ” burned into my brain “.

I have a burning desire to ensure that my clients, friends and the companies I am invested in get the right advice when it comes to Internet Marketing . This has led to me developing the Internet Marketing Ecosystem concept as a relatively simple way of explaining to people what needs to happen. It happens to have components in it that I am highly committed to e.g. WordPress, Twylah and the various social networks that I use like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google + and Pinterest ( to name a few ).

The main reason we developed the Internet Marketing Ecosystem concept was that HubSpot had proved to be a ” bridge too far ” for many of my clients in terms of cost and skills and resources required. As I have said elsewhere in this blogsite HubSpot themselves appear to have realised that they are not quite suited to the small and medium sized business and certainly not to the ” solopreneur “.

Stuart Ross has designed the Six Figure Mentors around individuals:

Discover the unfair advantage of the world’s smartest home business entrepreneurs…

The SFM provides a state-of-the-art comprehensive direct marketing solution complete with the tools, training, coaching and community required to launch and grow a successful business.

but the principals certainly apply to any size of business – it’s just that Stuart has chosen to start with individuals whilst HubSpot is now more appropriate to Medium and Large sized businesses.

HubSpot and the Six Figure Mentors have very similar ( if not identical ) objectives though – to get leads, prospects and customers ( orders and cash ).

For me this was really exciting – just as a concept.

However, when you start looking at the information that you can access with a $20 payment and which comes by email from Stuart every day from the time that you sign up, you can tell that everything you need is going to be here.

For me little things and big things confirmed and reaffirmed what I was thinking. There are too many to relate really but for example: He concentrates on the strategy and outsources the detail; he thinks in terms of what motivates people to buy and how to encourage them to do so; he passionately believes in Internet Marketing; he believes in trial and error but learning quickly; some people might not believe in Facebook but he DOES !! ; He has WordPress at the core of his marketing systems.

Mostly, what is important is this. His system is proven to produce millions of Pounds, Dollars or whatever in actual sales. I am going to say right away that the Internet Marketing System has not ( yet ) produced the same thing.

Hence, I highly recommend that you go to

and invest $20 – yes just $20 !! – because I think you will agree with me that it is the best $20 you have spent for ages if not EVER !!!

If you want to find out more about Stuart you can go to his personal website here.

Stuart Ross.

I will keep you updated as to my findings with the Six Figure Mentors on a regular basis.

HubSpot is brilliant but you can’t afford it

Posted by Chris on September 13th, 2012

HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing system is amazing. Started by ex-Venture Capitalist Brian Halligan and web architect and blogger Dharmesh Shah who basically saw that startups and growth companies needed a new way of marketing, HubSpot is a truly revolutionary concept ( Inbound Marketing ) and system.

As a business angel and sales, marketing and business strategy specialist with startups and growth companies I have recommended HubSpot to a number of my clients. Some have installed HubSpot and I have been privileged to be involved in the installation and operation of the system. One has changed from HubSpot to WordPress. This was a change that I resisted as I was sure that HubSpot style Internet Marketing was the future and would, eventually, lead to great results for my client  but as I debated the pros and cons of HubSpot and WordPress with my client I could see that it just was not going to work for them. It was too expensive and required skills that they and I did not have. Neither did they have the skills required in their partners.

In fact it turned out that HubSpot was moving upmarket -away from S.M.B.’s and towards larger companies and enterprises. I don’t think that it is any mistake that HubSpot’s pricing page’s – – highlight a professional package that’s going to cost $600 per month plus, potentially, $1000’s in setup and consulting fees. You would probably be looking at $20,000 per annum as a typical spend. I think HubSpot are being very fair in highlighting that on top of the licensing fee there are other costs aswell. If you don’t have certain skills in house e.g. Landing Page and Call to Action design skills and analytical skills then you will need to find a partner for this and pay them aswell.

Despite all this I am STILL going to recommend that you look at HubSpot and understand what it offers and can achieve before making any decision not to use it. You HAVE to understand what the HubSpot system is trying to achieve ( Visitors, prospects and customers ! ) and you have to understand most of the ways that it achieves this. The HubSpot mantra ” Get Found, Convert and Analyse ” should be burned into your brain in the same way that it is burned into mine.

You must understand that a website is virtually useless if it is not FOUND, if it does not CONVERT visitors into prospects and customers and if you cannot ANALYSE how you managed to get FOUND and CONVERT  visitors to customers.

I can tell you that it is very exciting watching the traffic building to your website which results from the creation of great content and the distribution of that content through social networks.

It is also fantastic to watch how many visitors converted to leads and how many of those converted to orders.

Unfortunately when you are spending around £250 a month ( as my client was doing ) you are not getting the Professional package and you do not get much support so if you can’t do a number of things in house then you are never actually going to achieve the results that you need which means that you will never actually pay for the cost of HubSpot.

This is why I have spent months and months developing the WordPress based Internet Marketing Ecosystem which I believe is more suited to the average SMB and even large business. Of course in the last year or so HubSpot has developed the HubSpot plugin for WordPress and also Dharmesh has emphasized the importance of the WordPress world by investing in WPEngine ( the WordPress focussed Hosting company ).

STOP PRESS !!! January 2013 – The Internet Marketing Ecosystem ( mentioned below ) has now been incorporated into Centripetal Network Consultings’ Digital Marketing Ecosystem. Watch this video >>>> HERE <<<< to see how a system that provides all of the functionality of a HubSpot system at a much lower cost has evolved over the last couple of years.

BeachCherry helps pianist Van-Anh crowdfund with WordPress website

Posted by Chris on September 8th, 2012

The simple story is that Costa Rica Headquartered BeachCherry Corporation wrote a WordPress website for Australia based pianist and producer Van-Anh Nguyen. This might have been news some time ago when it was unusual for a company thousands of miles away to produce your website but these days it is accepted that it does not matter where you are based relative to your client – what matters is the service and support that you provide. It happens that BeachCherry also has offices in India and Europe but not, currently, Australia.

Van-Anh needed this website quickly and it had to meet an important deadline. That deadline being the launch of her ” crowdfunding project ” on Australian and U.K. Crowdfunding site

Crowdfunding ( raising finance online from people who donate or invest )  has become a disruptive force in the world and one that has emerged from the global recession to take the place of banks and to some extent Angel and Venture Capital investment. It is certainly disruptive for the music industry. No longer do artists have to chase managers and record labels ( who previously would have provided the capital to produce and market a new cd ) now they just need to raise money on one of the many crowdfunding platforms that exist around the world. ( Crowdfunding mainly emerged in the U.S.A. but has quickly spread to the U.K. and Australia ).

Here’s Van-Anh’s Budget :


I’d like to raise $4,000 for this project which will be split up into:
$1000: Recording studio time
$1000: Mastering of the 10 tracks
$2000: artwork and pressing of 1500 CDs
Of course if we are able to hit more than the goal, the money will go into the launch events (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast).
In fact she raised over A$5000 and this allowed additional promotion:
Thank you to everyone who has pledged and donated so far! I love you and thank you for your incredible support. I’ve set my MINIMUM goal of $4000 as to enable me to hit my target. Of course, pledges are still accepted after that and if I hit $5000-$6000, it which will assist me in:
1. Producing 50 limited edition 1st single CDs of the ‘Libertango’.
2. employing a lighting designer for my launch show to create a reflection of colors, projections and video mapping for an experience you will not have had with a piano concert.
3. Add Adelaide to my official launch tour (and open to suggestions for any other cities)

How did she promote this project ???

Of course she used social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter aswell as her WordPress based website and the site.

No doubt friends and family were amongst the people that helped Van-Anh to get to her goal of A$4000  but there were also many people who did not know of Van-Anh directly. What do they get for their ” donations ” ??? Well everything ranging from posters to cd’s and concert tickets but for A$ 1000 you could have got:

* a 45 minute concert of myself as well as 2 string players and a DJ (just provide me with a great piano and I’ll have the DJ and string players sourced from within the city you are in).

but nobody took her up on this offer !!!!!! ( FOOLS 😉

Many of the people were happy to be known and others donated anonymously.

Best wishes to Van-Anh !!


BeachCherry Corporation is offering WordPress web and/or blogsites starting from $250 with a variety of themes available. Included within the pricing is guidance on how to get your website found on Google and other search engines for your products and services. Telephone: +1
(202 )
436-9487 2)and ask for Vick or email to discuss your particular requirements.

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