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I really had not thought about it much until a beauty blogger friend of mine put pictures on facebook of how her cosmetics had arrived recently.


This box arrived with this product wrapped up in all this packaging….


Photo: I think the packer who put my items into a loose bag and made my nail varnish explode on everything was feeling slightly sarcastic when I ring up explaining the situation and asking for a replacement. So they've give me this box rammed full of bubble wrap and brown paper for that one item... Really?! I'm awfully sorry you've got shit packer skills, lol.


To replace this bottle that had been delivered earlier.


Photo: This is what happens when someone doesn't bubble wrap your god damn orders. It smashes everywhere!


and I just thought … after carefully selecting the cosmetics product that you wanted from a catalogue or online you would actually be waiting in anticipation of that product arriving at your doorstep. We all know that logistics/delivery companies can be a nightmare and – aside from selecting the ones that you use carefully and monitoring the service that they provide – as a manufacturer or retailer/etailer you don’t have that much control of them.

There are things that you can control though e.g. the time you take to deliver products ( Motives ships in 24 hours typically and arrives within 2-3 days ) AND the quality of the packaging and what you put in the box’s to protect the product.

That’s when it hit me that I had been taking the deliveries, that regularly arrive home from Motives and Shop.com, a little too much for granted.

They all come in nice box’s like this ( I have already had this one open and the product out ) ….




which are padded with brown paper like this…..




and the products themselves are wrapped in bubble wrap …




and when you open them the actual product casings are very high quality and you get an itemised list of the products that you ordered together with a couple of brochures on other products from Shop.com that you might be interested in.




To achieve this actually takes a lot of planning and care and I think it really is a reflection of the planning and care that goes into everything that Motives and Shop.com do.

Of course there is a lot of experience behind this with Motives’ parent company Market America having shipped product like this in America and globally for 20 years.

For more information about Motives and Shop.com connect on twitter @cwindley , skype me on chris.windley or call me on +447881 500002




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