Becoming a Motives Cosmetics Digital Partner in the UK
Market America, Market United Kingdom, Motives October 3rd, 2013How can you integrate the Motives Cosmetics line into your Fashion or Beauty blog or business ??
Are you a Beauty Blogger ?? Are you a makeup artist ?? Do you have a Beauty or fashion related business or website ??
Extending the success of Motives in the USA to the UK we are working with selected Fashion and Beauty bloggers to show them how to leverage the power of the Motives and Internet Portals and integrate these into their existing business models.
Let’s just discuss the opportunity that exists for the fashion and beauty blogger and their network of related contacts – for example, makeup artists, salon owners, health spa owners and fashion business owners.
Obviously bloggers have an Internet Presence ( web/blogsite and social media pages ) already. Their contacts may or may not have web or blogsites. It does not really matter whether they do or don’t. The Motives and portals can be stand alone or integrated with existing web presences.
To get some ideas let’s look at some people already doing this ( this is just a random selection from Googling Motives Cosmetics ):
Here’s Lily & Vanessa Lewis from Australia. Did you see the ” Shop in MY store button ” ??? What a lovely site.
Here’s another site from someone in America. See the advert on the right hand side at the top ?? Takes you straight to this person’s Motives Portal.
This one from Emily Eddington of the USA is a Blogger site and perhaps more typical of the ones that we have seen in the UK so far. Emily has written a review for Lauren Page so you’re are actually being directed to her Motives site.
So, the way you use the Motives and portals is flexible and non-exclusive. – which means that you can carry on doing independent reviews and you can also carry on recommending other products from other companies.
What is important to understand is that these ladies have ” monetised ” their sites. This basically means that you are giving people the opportunity to buy the things that you like and recommend.
SO MUCH effort goes into reviewing and writing about products. Why not give them the opportunity to buy some of them from YOU ??
In this video here we are going to hear from Makeup Artists, Coach/mentors TO Makeup Artists and Salon owners and particularly from Ethnic, darker skinned ladies ( African American and Latino ) who love the line created specifically for them by La La Anthony
Did you hear that phrase ” Trading Time for Money ” from Carlos ???? Your blogsite is on 24 Hours a day – people are looking at it from all around the world all the time. Why not have it so that, if they want to, people can buy from it all the time ?? Where will you be ?? Sleeping ?? On the beach ?? Shopping ??? When you get an email message saying that someone has bought one of your recommendations.
By the way – I know that most of the people that you are seeing here are in the U.S. ( Some of the web and blogsites I showed you earlier were, for example, in Australia ).
We are leading a Digital Marketing initiative into the U.K. but there are already people here that are doing great business as and Motives partners and affiliates.
Here’s Kristina Thoedoris with Stooshe ‘s Alex Buggs:
Kristina is in London.
So, Let’s see what else you can do with Motives by going to this website >>>>> HERE <<<<<<<.
If you are a blogger or journalist then we have a PRESS KIT for you here. This has this Autumn and Winters lines in it.
So, I hope you have enjoyed this information and if you have please contact me:
My Shopping Portal is >>>> HERE <<<<
My Motives Shopping Portal is >>>> HERE <<<<
So please browse around them and let me know what you think.
Skype me : chris.windley
Call me : +447881 500002
email me:
or just GOOGLE me and connect on one of the social networks.
October 10th, 2013 at 1:49 pm
Loren Ridinger on using Social Media
October 13th, 2013 at 4:44 pm
[…] I have pointed out in earlier blogs such as this one and this one we are particular focussed on helping people with the digital marketing aspects of the Market […]
December 11th, 2014 at 4:10 pm
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