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London Wealth Management companies are starting to get serious about Digital Marketing and Social Media


Centripetal looks at how some of these Wealth Management companies score using industry standard benchmarks


This article in the F.T.


and the associated Cisco Wealth Management Study


came at a great time as we are working with a number of companies in the sector.




As part of our research I decided to do 2 things:


1. Run them through the HubSpot Internet Marketing Grader and see how they shaped up. If you are not familiar with Marketing Grader here is a quick description of what it does and why.


2. Check to see if and how well these companies ranked ( on Google ) for something you would expect them to.



Obviously these do not represent an exhaustive study. I just thought it would be interesting to see whether these two things backed up what was being said about Rathbones, Charles Stanley and Barclays Wealth and Investment.


1. HubSpot Marketing Grader Analysis


I couldn’t get HubSpot to analyse Rathbones Internet Presence ( see overview of Rathbones below ) but Barclays Wealth scored 86/100 ( great score !! ) and Chas. Stanley 70/100 which are respectible scores.


The top Wealth Management companies for a Google search on Wealth Management London are ( HubSpot scores alongside ):


www.spi.sanlam.co.uk 32/100

http://www.scmprivate.com/ 21/100

http://www.rbcwminternational.com/ 41/100

http://www.azure-wealth.com/‎  28/100

https://uk-wealthmanagement.bnpparibas.com/public/en/home 44/100

http://www.menzies.co.uk/en/services/menzies-wealth-management/ 73/100

http://www.moorestephens.co.uk/WMLon.aspx 53/100

http://www.londonwm.co.uk/ 24/100

http://wealthmanagementandtrust.rothschild.com/page.aspx?id=118 46/100

http://www.cernocapital.com/partners_n.php 19/100


Apart from Menzie’s and Moore Stephens these are pretty poorly performing websites. ( Although of course these are the TOP companies that are FOUND for this search phrase !! ).


N.B. Rathbones did not rank on Page 1 of Google. So we could not get a HubSpot analysis and they don’t rank. However Rathbones clearly has a Social Media presence ( Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc. and has  blog which it links to ). It also has Google Analytics installed. It is likely that Rathbones Internet Marketing Grade would be around 70  – 90/100 although it does not seem to have been optimised for search.



2. Google search on ” Wealth Management London “

It is important that companies get ” FOUND ” for the right ( key ) words and phrases. Some Wealth Management companies have simply ” bought their way to the front page ” by paying for Google Pay per Click and/or Adwords advertisements. This is certainly one way of doing it but I am not going to talk about these companies. ( Anyone can buy their way to the front page of Google if they pay the going rate ). A few companies have used Google maps to get a listing below the top 3 P.P.C. adverts. – perfectly valid and a good idea. Interestingly neither Rathbones, Barclays or Chas. Stanley appear in the ” natural ” or ” organic ” not paid for listings. What companies do then and what sort of HubSpot scores do they have ???


( The search results are in 1. along with the HubSpot scores ).



3. Landing Pages

Who has the best Landing Pages ??

When you click on the Google search result for a particular company ( first click ) you will be directed to whatever page that the company wants you to see. Often this is the home page or sometimes the contact page. Apart from the text that you see on the Google search result the ” Landing page ” is the first real contact that you will have with that company and therefore it needs to have:


and it also needs a way of


a visitor to this page to a ” lead “.

Typically this is done with a ” Call to Action ” such as ” Call us ” , ” Email us ” , ” Give us your email address ” or ” get this valuable piece of information ” ( the second click ).

Typically the Landing Pages are impersonal ( often the front page ) and you need to click again to get to the ” Contact ” page. ( e.g. Sanlam, SCM, RBC, BNP ) only a couple present ” real people ” ( Menzies, Cerno ). My favourites are probably – LWM, Moore Stephens and Menzie’s. Azure Wealth is probably the most striking and unusual.




4. The 10 Fastest Growing Wealth Management Companies ( 2010 )



Brooks MacDonald

Barclays Wealth




Partners Capital

Williams de Broe

Vestra Wealth

Standard Life Wealth



5. Correlation and Thoughts

There appears to be very little correlation here. Barclays Wealth is said to be active in Social Media , does not rank but does have a high HubSpot score. RBC appears to know how to get found using a variety of methods. ( Google maps and search results ).

Surprisingly this area appears to be ripe for someone to come in and do a good job. It would be relatively straight forward to create a high ranking website ( one that gets found ) , that also scored high with HubSpot ( which means that it has created an effective Internet Presence and Digital Marketing Ecosystem ) , has great Landing Pages and converts visitors to prospects using various appropriate Call to Actions.


See also related post: http://www.centripetalnetwork.com/2013/05/16/london-finance-and-wealth-management-firms-should-be-using-social-media-heres-why/


N.B. Centripetal is carrying out ongoing research in the Wealth Management sectors in the U.K. and shortly in the U.S. – please keep in touch for more blog posts and contact us tofind out how to be the top Wealth Management company on the Internet or talk about the area in more detail.


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